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*Josh's POV*

I sighed as I sat on my sisters bed, breathing in her scent, the scent that I miss more then anything. It had been a year since she left, a whole year, and I still miss her everyday. I regret everything that I ever did to her, said to her. The day she ran away had to have been the hardest though. I had gathered a few of my friends and we went out to look for her. Her scent led into the woods and ended at a stream, the water washing away her scent.

We searched for hours, and found nothing. I even called some of the neighboring alphas and asked them to keep an eye out for her. It may not have seemed like it, but I love my baby sister with everything I have in me. Her disappearance has been hard on me, but even worse on Saxon. When I first read the note Ashton left I was confused, why would she label it to Saxon also, it just didn't make sense

But I started to notice things about him after she left. He acted depressed, disconnected from everything and everyone. So one night I confronted him about it, he told me everything. How he rejected her because she was 'fat and ugly'. I was pissed and kicked his ass. And he's just gotten worse. He barely talks to anyone, he drinks to relieve the pain and sleeps with random girls. I know that he misses her more then he lets on, maybe even more then me. I hear him cry in his room every night, that's when you know something's seriously wrong, when your alpha cries.

Of course Adrianna doesn't give a crap about Ashton. She just continues on with her whore ways. I've changed since she left, I don't sleep around anymore, I take my life seriously, and I found my mate. Her names Lily, she's beautiful, and she has the kindest heart. She knows everything about Ashton and is always there to comfort me when I need to be. I've become a better beta to. I take the position seriously and try to be my best. Ashton's leaving has brought out the man in me, so in a way it's the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.


*Saxons POV*

"Ugh!" I groaned out in annoyance. I had been filling out the paper work that needed to be done in order for the other pack to move in. It was frustrating me beyond belief. I hated paper work, it took to much concentration. I looked around my big office, noticing every little thing. The pictures of my parents and I, of Josh and I, and on my desk in the corner sat a small picture of Ashton.

I don't know why I keep it there, it only hurts me more. Even thinking about her hurts me. Rejecting her is the worst thing I've ever done and I would give anything to go back and fix the mistake I made. I felt the all to familiar tears make there way to my eyes and angrily pushed them back, I can't cry at a time like this, I have work to do.

I quickly finished up the paper work and made my way to my room to make myself look presentable, I at least needed to look somewhat good when I meet the new pack. There names the blood moon pack and we've decided to pair up to help protect against the rouges.

I quickly took a shower and ran a brush threw my medium length black hair. I put on a pair of dark wash jeans and a snug fitting plain black, v-neck shirt. I matched it with my whit tennies and ran downstairs. I heard multiple cars pull up outside and guessed that it was the other pack. We had decided that the part of there pack that wanted to could stay in our pack house, others could bye there own house and the alpha, his beta, the betas girlfriend and two close friends of theres would be staying in the mansion with Josh, lily and I.

I ran downstairs and saw Lily and Josh waiting for me bye the door. I walked over to them and threw open the door. All three of us walked out at the same time. The first thing I noticed was that there were two guys who looked exactly alike standing next to a really nice car. The alpha, I assumed, made his way to me and shook my hand.

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