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*Ashton's POV*

I wanted to close my eyes because of the sight before me. I wanted to stop breathing because of the over whelming smell. There were body's every where, some our men, but most weren't. There was blood seeping into the grass, turning it a sickly shade of red.

We had just exited the strong hold and I was still in Saxons arms. I felt perfectly safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt me. But as we walked threw the body covered field I wanted nothing more then to close my eyes.

I looked behind us and noticed that Reed had Emily tucked safely into his side. Mates. There mates. I gave Emily a large smile which she returned also getting Reeds attention. He looked up at me and I gave him a toothy smile to. He smiled back and I was about to mouth something when I felt Saxon trip a little bit.

I turned back to Saxon and noticed that he was very pale, unlike his normal tanned self. He also looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Are you okay Saxon?" I asked him worriedly. He looked down at me and gave me a small smile.

"I'm fine." He said breathily and I knew it was a lie. I suddenly felt something wet and warm drop down into my arm. I looked down and saw that it was blood. I looked around, trying to locate where the blood came from and I successfully found it.

Saxon had a large gun wound on his left shoulder. There was blood oozing from the wound and the skin was starting to turn black which worried me because it could only mean one thing, the bullet was silver and its getting into his blood stream.

"Saxon your arm. You need to get the bullet out." I said worriedly. Silver is deadly to a wolf and if it enters there blood stream fully it will kill. It looked like Saxon hadn't even heard me. He started to sway back and forth and his eyes closed. I knew what was going to happen next so I braced myself for the impact. And I couldn't have been more right because a few seconds later Saxon had dropped me and fell forward unconscious.

There was an aching pain coming from my freshly healed ribs but I pushed that away and scurried to Saxons side.

"Saxon!" I said as I turned him over. Reed and Emily rushed forward and knelt down in front of us.

"Get a doctor! He has a silver bullet in his shoulder!" I said frantically and Reed scurried off to find one. I felt my heart beating rapidly and my wolf was whining in worry. I tried shaking Saxon to see if he would respond but he wouldn't. Reed came back a few minutes later with a doctor in toe.

The doctor rushed towards us and pushed me aside. Normally I would have been pissed off but not today, as long as Saxons alright. The doctor rolled him over a bit so he could get better look at his arm. He pulled out a pair of tweezers from his bag and he started to dig into Saxons arm. I turned my head away, not wanting to see.

"Got it." The doctor said. I turned to him and saw that he was holding a long silver bullet with the tweezers.

"I will need to inject him with a medicine but other wise he should be fine." The doctor declared and I let out a sigh in relief. The doctor injected Saxon with some kind of medicine and then reed carried him to the truck that had recently pulled up out front. The door to the van was thrown open and a very worried and very pregnant Lilly got out.

"Ashton I was so worried about you!" Lilly cried as she hugged me the best he could with her large stomach. You see werewolves don't have to carry a baby for nine months because our pups grow faster, we only, usually, have to carry them for five.

"I missed you to Lilly." I said as I hugged her back. She pulled away from me and took in my appearance. I saw sympathy flash threw her eyes and then angry.

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