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*Saxons POV*

Damn it! I was so close to kissing her then that stupid Winston guy had to come and ruin it! Why can't he just let me have her? He already found his true mate and broke Ashton's heart in the process. I had been in the kitchen when he had seen Alice, I knew that they were mates immediately. So after that I had been keeping a close eye on Ashton. I watched her go into the woods and come out crying her eyes out.

I hated seeing her cry, and it just pissed me off knowing that another man made her cry and that I couldn't do anything about it. Sighing I walked into my room and threw myself on the bed. I need to win Ashton's heart over, I'm ready to love her and be the mate she deserves. But how can I, were do I start? I know that it's not going to be easy, I hurt her bad. But I have to start somewhere.

I'm ready to step up and be a mate, the mate Ashton needs.


*Ashton's POV*

"What are you doing?" A voice asked, breaking the silence that had been surrounding me. I looked up and saw that the voice belonged to my brothers mate, Lilly. I had been sitting in the kitchen staring off into space when she came in.

"Just thinking." I replied with a smile. Lilly seemed like a nice enough girl so I don't see why I can't be friends with her. She tilted her head to the side and smiled.

"Can I ask what about?" She asked the question slowly, like she was afraid I would say no.

"Well I was just thinking about everything really, you know life and stuff." She laughed and came and sat on the stool next to me.

"I know how you feel. I'm a over thinker, always thinking about, 'life and stuff'." She laughed. We sat in silence for a few minutes, lost in thought.

"Hey do you want to go do something? Go shopping maybe?" She asked suddenly. I smiled and replied,

"Ya! I don't usually get to go shopping with a girl since I have all guy friends." Lilly got an excited look on her face and was practically bouncing in her seat.

"Ok! Just let me go get my purse and ill be right down." I nodded my head and put my bowl in the sink. Lilly was back in less then two minutes.

"Ok let's go!" She said, grabbing my arm. I laughed at her but followed. We got into her car, which was a small slug bug. On the ride to the mall Lilly and I sang along to the radio and talked about everything and anything. It felt good to be spending time with another girl.

By the time we arrived at the mall I knew a lot about Lily. She's 18, her favorite colors red, she's an only child, her mother died giving birth to her and she found my brother a month after I left. Lilly also knew a lot about me. I told her my whole story and then about my life in the Blood moon pack and so on. I even told her I was a white wolf.

Lilly and I walked into the first store that we saw, it just so happened to be Debs. We walked around for a minute and picked out all kind of clothes. For the next three hours we talked and shopped. By the time we got back to her car we had both spent over two hundred dollars and could barely carry all of our bags. We had gone to the hair dresser and had our hair done, I didn't do much, I only got my ends trimmed. Lilly had gotten a trim and put blonde highlights in her hair.

On the ride home we stopped at Carls Jr and got burgers, I don't usually eat junk food but today was an exception.

"Soooo..... Are you ever planning on forgiving Saxon? Or Josh?" Lilly asked. I thought about it for a moment. I might be able to forgive Josh eventually but I don't know about Saxon.

"I don't know, maybe Josh but I highly doubt that I will Saxon." I replied. Lilly got an excited look on her face but then a disappointed one.

"They truly are sorry. I really meant what I said to you that day." I had trouble believing that though.

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