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*Ashton's POV*

I felt the cold, wet ground underneath my fallen body. My books had scattered everywhere when I was tripped so I jumped to my feet and began to quickly pick them up. I heard laughing coming from every direction, people calling me names, mocking me. I felt the tears make there way to the surface but quickly pushed them back down. I would not cry and make myself look even weaker then I already did.

"Awww, did the fat whale fall down?" Adrianna asked in a mocking voice. I opened my mouth to shoot a smart ass comment but quickly closed it knowing that it would only cause me more trouble.

"That's what I thought." Adrianna sneered at me. I kept my eyes focused on the ground, not making eye contact with anyone. I didn't need to see there looks of hatred and mockery. Adrianna didn't say anything more to me, she simply snapped her fingers and her little puppets followed her to the entrance of the school.

I looked up when I thought they were gone but quickly realized that was a mistake. Saxon, Josh and four other boys stood in front of me. I stayed frozen in place, not moving an inch in fear they would strike out and hit me.

"Hmmm. What do we have here?" Saxon the ring leader of my torture and the alpha of the pack said. The four boys, who I don't know the names of, started to circle me. Saxon and my brother, Josh, stood off to the side watching with a smirk on there lips.

"It looks to me like we have a fat, ugly, whale on our hands." Josh replied to Saxons earlier question. The boys circling me laughed.

"It seems your right my friend, but what should we do with it?" None of the boys, or anyone really, called me by my name. They all called me whale, or ugly, but the most commonly used was, 'it' . Saxon and Josh now joined the four boys that were circling me, making it impossible for me to escape.

"I think that we should-" before josh could finish his sentence a loud horrible wailing sound was heard, other wise know as the school bell. I tried to step through the circle that they had made around me but one of the boys pushed me back in.

"Now were do you think your going whale?" Saxon asked.

"It's time to go to class." I replied, barely above a whisper. He smirked and opened his mouth to reply, but before he could I heard the voice of an angel.

"Get to class right now,and leave that poor girl alone!" Principle Davis yelled. He always tried to help me with the bullying, but there isn't much he can do, seeing as Saxons the alpha and has control over him. Saxon glared at me and yelled back,

"Yes Principle Davis." He nodded to his group of boys to follow him. As he was walking past me he leaned over and whispered in my ear,

"You'll get it later." And with that he walked past me and into the school. I stood there for a few seconds collecting my thoughts. When I finally had a clear head I turned around to see Mr. Davis standing there watching me. I nodded to him and smiled as I walked into the school.

The hall ways were empty now, first period had started five minutes ago and I knew that I was going to get it from my first period teacher, Mrs. Travis. She was a horrible English teacher and would probably make me write a five page essay.

I was now standing in front of the door, not ready to push it open, but knew I had to. I quietly opened the door and stepped into the class. Mrs. Travis stopped what she was saying and the rest of the class turned there heads and stared at me.

"And why are you five minutes late to my class, Ms. Heart?" Mrs. Travis practically yelled at me. I flinched back at her loud tone but answered in a small voice,

"I slept in, I'm sorry." I knew I couldn't tell her the truth because she would probably just laugh at me. She gave me a long hard glare and said,

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