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*Ashton's POV*

I heard a small knock on my bedroom door and groaned, can't people just leave me alone? After I had gotten home from school I did nothing but sit in my room and think about Saxon. Everything's so confusing, my emotions. One minute I despise him and the next I want nothing more then to be with him.

I sighed but got up to answer the door. Surprisingly enough Josh was standing in my door way.

"What do you want?" I asked confused. He scoffed and replied,

"Gee I see how it is." I opened my door wider and he stepped in, leading him over to my bed we both took a seat.

"I didn't mean it in a rude way." I stated. He smiled and said,

"Look I just came up here to talk to you. I can feel the confusion coming off of you in waves and I think I have an idea as to why your confused, it has something to do with a certain alpha guy." I looked down at my lap and stayed silent so I guess he took that as a sign to continue. "I know that your unsure of the feelings you have for him and I also know that you haven't forgiven me yet and I would understand if you never forgive me but at least give Saxon a chance.

He's your mate and you will never truly be happy until your with him. I know he and I both did some pretty fucked up things to you but please try to forgive us. Saxon regrets everything he ever did to you, you can tell in everything he does. After you left he fell into a deep depression. He wasn't the same, he was sad and gloomy and never wanted to do anything, you know something's seriously wrong when you hear your alpha cry every night.

But then you came back and he got better. He stopped being depressed and he actually smiles, he talks to people and is friendly, he does everything the best he can and he's trying so hard to be a better person. So please Ashton at least think about forgiving him." I was speechless after Josh finished his long speech. Lilly already told me this stuff and I didn't believe her but now it's coming from my brother.

I feel even more confused now then I did then. So he a actually cared about me? Why didn't he look for me? I turned to Josh and saw that he was studying me intently.

"Look Josh your right. I haven't forgiven you yet and I haven't even tried to forgive Saxon yet. You guys damaged me, you messed with my head, made me believe I was worthless and ugly. I don't know if I can forgive him. He's my mate, he's the one and only person on this planet that's made for me and no one else and he threw it away. He rejected me like it was nothing and now that I'm back and I'm skinny and pretty he actually wants me. I want to forgive him, I really do but I just can't right now. I'm sorry." I speeched back.

I felt a single tear slide down my cheek. I reached my hand up to wipe it but before I could Josh grabbed it an pulled me into him. He wrapped his arms around my body and held me close, in a comforting way.

"I know I was never the brother you needed but I'm here for you now, whenever you need me." Josh said. He had so much passion in his voice that it only brought more tears to my eyes. I silently cried into his chest, letting the tears fall freely. Neither of us uttered a single word, we sat in silence and held each other. Like a brother and sister should.


Josh had left my room about fifteen minutes afterthought breakdown, Lilly needed him or something. I was in the kitchen cooking diner for the pack when I felt a pair of arms go around my waist. I froze and was about to attack when I felt the tingles erupting from were the the person was touching me. My body relaxed instantly without my command, stupid body.

I turned around in Saxons arms to face him.

"What do you want Saxon?" My voice was soft but held steady. He didn't answer, he did nothing but stare at my face. I couldn't help but stare back, noticing the littlest things, like how his beautiful green eyes were duller then usual, and his hair was tousled like he had ran his fingers threw it many times, and how there were slight bags under his eyes. Something was wrong with him.

I tried stepping out of his arms but he tightened them around me. I started to struggle until his words stopped me.

"Please stop struggling Ashton. I just need to hold you right now, I know you don't like it or me but plead just let me do it." He sounded so desperate, like he would break down if I didn't let him. I nodded my head but said nothing, I honestly didn't know what to say.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him for reassurance, whatever had him all worked up must be pretty bad if he's acting like this. He breathed in my scent and brought my body closet to his. My wolf was purring for the contact with our mate.

"What's wrong Saxon?" I asked quietly. He sighed but dad nothing. It irritated me that he didn't answer but I didn't push it. After a few minutes of silence he finally answered.

"I don't want to talk about it because it will get me works up again. Thank you for letting me hold you." And with that he walked away. Asshole. Well at least he had the decency to thank me. Scoffing I went back to cooking diner.

Diner was done shortly and I was calling the pack to eat. The boys and I decided to eat in the tv room though. We all filed into the room,the twins and I took the couch, Lilly and Josh on the love seat, Winston and Alice on the ground and Reed and Saxon were sitting on the other couch.

As we began to eat there seemed to be an uneasiness settle over the boys. They were all very tense and seemed angry. I put my fork down and spoke up.

"Alright guys, what's wrong?" Nobody answered me and they all averted there eyes to there food, it was obvious that I was the only one who didn't know.

"Nobody's going to tell me huh?" Again nobody answered and I was starting to get frustrated. I stomped my foot and groaned. I know childish. I have each and every person in the room the evil eye as turned back to my food.

'What's going on?' I asked Reed threw the mind link. He jumped slightly but quickly closed his mind off. I frowned and went to the next boy.

'Will you tell me what's going on?' I asked Winston. He shook his head and closed off his mind to. I don't understand why nobody will tell me what's going on.

'Tell me what's going on.' I demanded to the twins. They both tried to close off there minds but I pushed. I kept pushing but they were trying to fight me. I'm sure I had my concentration face on right now, scrunched eyebrows and nose, tongue sticking out.

In the end the twins won the battle and smiled smugly. I growled in frustration. I really hate being out of the loop, nothing irritates me more. I was just about ready to get up and stomp out of the room when Saxon finally spoke up and told me.

"As you know we've been having rogue troubles recently. We were contacted by the leader today, he made a statement. He said that he is going to attack us when we least expect it, take all of our land. This pack of rogues is known to be very, very violent, they rape woman, kill children and steal mates. He told me something that I can't shrug off, he threatened to take you from me and kill you." As soon as those last two words came out of Saxons mouth I felt a shudder run down my spine.

I have a vicious rogue leader that's out to get me. Great.


Sorry it's really short. Thanks for reading

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