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*Ashton's POV*

(6 months later)

I took in a shaky breath of air as I paced the room. My hands were shaking and my heart was beating a mile a minute. I heard the flap to the tent open and I looked up to see Lilly walk in.

"Calm down Ashton." She ordered. I sighed and took a seat in the chair by my vanity.

"I'm trying, I'm just nervous." I replied. Lilly sighed and came an stood in front of me. I looked up at her and saw that she had a stern look on her face.

"Ashton you have nothing to be worried about, in a few minutes your going to go out there and marry the guy you love. You should be happy not nervous." She said. Yes today is my wedding day, it's the big day, the day we've been planning for six months.

"I am happy Lilly, I'm so happy, I'm just nervous. What if I trip and fall?" I asked. Lilly laughed at my stupid 'what if.' And took a seat next to me.

"Well if that happens then you better jump right back up, wipe the dirt off of your dress and keep going." She joked. I let out a loud laugh and it felt as if all of the nervousness was draining out of my body.

"Thanks Lil." I said. She smiled and threw me a wink.

"No problem." She replied. I sighed happily and turned back towards my mirror. I looked at my reflection, my makeup was flawless and my hair perfect. It had taken us five hours to get ready for the wedding because we didn't only do my hair and makeup but the bridesmaids to, Lilly,Alice and Emily.

I honestly loved the bridesmaids dresses. My color scheme is royal blue and white so the dresses are a royal blue color and they have a white ribbon tied around there waists. All of the girls had curled there hair and they looked beautiful.

I stood up from my chair and walked towards the full length mirror that was next to me. I studied my dress in the mirror and smiled. As soon as I had seen it in the wedding store I had fallen in love with it.

The top of the dress is strapless and it has a sweetheart neckline. It hugs me like a glove until my waist were it flares out and falls like a white waterfall all the way down the the floor. The top part and the very bottom part of the dress has a really pretty silver beaded design on it that adds character to the dress. I was wearing silver heals on my feet but you couldn't see them because of the dress.

My hair had been done so that it was pulled back and pined up but a large section of it was falling down in curls. I had a small tiara on my head that held my veil up which was flowing behind me. My make up was minimal but done to perfection.

"You look beautiful." Alice said as she walked into the tent. I smiled at her and then looked down to her large baby bump. Yes I said baby bump, it turns out that Alice was pregnant. She had conceived before Winston died and now she was popped like a watermelon with a baby girl on the way.

"Thank you Alice, so do you. You all do." I said motioning to the two other girls in the room. They smiled and Emily stepped towards me.

"This is your big day, stop being modest admire your sexiness." She stated. This caused me to burst out laughing along with the two other girls. I looked up to see that Emily had a large goofy smile on her face.

"Em your something else." I said as I straightened up. She stuck her tongue out at me so I did it back.

"You both act like children." Lilly said. This however cause Emily and I to turn to her and stick our tongues out at her. She rolled her eyes and I giggled. Lilly suddenly got a far away look and I could tell she was talking to somebody threw the mind link.

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