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*Ashton's POV*

"Come on baby, you can do it! Just one more!" Saxon cheered from my right. I gritted my teeth as another wave of pain spread threw my body. I clenched the bed sheet in my hands and took a deep breath.

"And push!" The doctor said. I let out the breath I had been holding and pushed with all my might. I felt Saxons hand on my shoulder and a few seconds later I heard the most magnificent sound in the world, the first cry of my baby.

I felt tears in my eyes as I watched the doctor wipe the blood off of my newborn. He handed my daughter to the nurse and she wrapped the small baby in a blanket and brought her over to me. I cradled the baby in my arms and stared down at her with so much love that I thought my heart would burst.

She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen with a full head of dark hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes. Her pink lips were full and her eye lashes dark and long. She stared up at me and I almost cried when she wrapped her small hand around my finger.

I looked up to see Saxon staring down at are daughter with love in his eyes. When he noticed that I was staring at him he turned his loving gaze to me and leaned down to give me a small kiss.

"You did great baby, she's beautiful." He said sounding choked up. I smiled largely at him and then turned back to are daughter.

"Paisley Grace Conner." I stated proudly. Saxon and I had decided if the baby was a girl we would name her Paisley and if she was a boy we would have named her Cody.

"Paisley." Saxon repeated as he lightly stroked our daughters dark hair. I turned towards Saxon and motioned for him to take her from me. I watched as fear came across his face and I smiled reassuringly at him. He slowly reached his arms out and took Paisley from me. He held her like a pro and it made tears come to my eyes as I watched them.

Saxon sat down in the chair next to my bed side and gently rocked Paisley. I looked at Saxon and felt my heart flutter and warmth fill it. It's funny when I think back to everything that happened before, when he rejected me I thought that I would never get to be a mom, that I would never get to be happy but now I have everything I ever wanted and everything I will ever need.

I heard a light knock on the door and then a few seconds later it opened and Lilly popped her head in. I smiled at my nosy friend and laughed as her face lit up when she saw Paisley. Lilly rushed into the room and the rest of the group was right after her. I watched as a two year old Seth paddled into the room followed by his dad. Next came Alice with her cute little one year old daughter named Lela on her hip. After Alice came the twins. Justin had found his mate and they now had a cute five month old son named Cole, Jace is still looking for his mate though. And lastly came Emily, Reed and there one year old son Xander.

"Let me see!" Lilly squealed as she reached her hands out for Paisley. Saxon rolled his eyes at my friend but handed over are daughter. Lilly rocked Paisley in her arms and cooed down at her. I laughed at the silly girl and watched as Emily quickly made her way to Lilly and demanded that she give her the baby. Lilly grumbled about it but passed her on to Emily.

Emily's eyes lit up as she saw the baby and she started talking baby talk to her. I watched as Alice set Lela down and walked towards Emily. As soon as Lela was set on her feet she ran to Seth and stood by his side, those two have been inseparable since they were born. Emily handed Paisley over to Alice and Alice smiled down at her.

"She's beautiful sis." Josh said as he gazed at my daughter over Alice's shoulder. I smiled proudly and I felt Saxon take my hand.

"Thank you." I said happily. For the next few minutes everybody took turns holding Paisley until she was finally back in my arms. I wrapped the blanket tighter around her small frame and smiled as she closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

I suddenly felt a little hand on the bottom of my leg and I looked down to see that it was Xander trying to get onto my bed.

"No, no Xander you can't go up there." Emily said to her son as she pulled him away from my bed but I motioned for her to stop.

"It's alright I don't mind, he only wants to see the baby." I said. Emily smiled and lifted a smiling Xander onto my bed. The small boy crawled towards me and stopped when he was right in front of me. He looked down at Paisley and as soon as he saw her a large smile made its way onto his face and he reached his hand out toward her.

I stopped his hand because he was reaching for her face but instead I put it on top of her hand. Paisleys eyes fluttered and they were soon open and gazing up at the smiling boy touching her hand. Her eyes widened and she wrapped her tiny hand around his thumb. Xander giggled happily when she did that and I couldn't help but smile as I watched the two children interact.

"We better get going." Emily spoke up and I glanced at the clock, it was already ten at night so I nodded my head. There were several 'byes' and 'see ya laters' said before everybody filled out of the room except for Reed, Emily and Xander. Xander was still holding Paisleys hand so Emily walked forward, carefully reached for him and pulled him away from the bed.

Xander started throwing a fit when he was taken away from the bed and not long after did Paisley start crying to. This only caused Xander to cry harder and start to fuss more. Emily shot me an apologetic look before her and Reed exited the room with a crying Xander.

It took me about five minutes to get Paisley to calm down after Xander left but when she finally did she fell into a deep sleep.

"What do you think that was about?" Saxon asked as he took a seat on the side of my bed.

"I don't know." I replied but I had an idea in my head, one that I'm sure Saxon didn't want to hear about because our daughter was just a few hours old. But if my theory was right then we would be seeing a lot more of Xander in Paisleys future.


Hi guys! This is officially the ending of this story! (Tear.) You have all been amazing and I really appreciate the support. I hope you enjoyed my story and thanks for reading!(:

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