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*Ashton's POV*

Lilly and I got into Josh's car. We had decided to let him drive us to school because he had been complaining about how he wasn't getting enough time with his mate. I sat in the back seat while Josh and Lilly sat in the front. Lilly turned on the radio and Justin Biebers, 'As long as you love me.' Blasted threw the speakers. Lilly and I immediately started singing along.

Josh covered his ears and groaned. "Turn it off!" He yelled. I laughed and he winked at me. I hadn't forgiven Josh yet but I was getting there. The whole five minute ride to the school consisted of Lilly and I singing and Josh complaining. To say I was in a good mood was an understatement.

We pulled into the school parking lot and parked next to Saxon and Reed, the twins had rode with him. When the car stopped my door was thrown open and the twins pulled me out. They both put an arm around me.

"What are you doing guys?" I asked as Lilly, Josh, Reed, Winston, Alice and Saxon joined us.

"We have to show other guys that they can't mess with our little sister." Justin said. Jace smirked and added,

"Ya, they need to know that if they do we'll kick there asses." I rolled my eyes but said nothing. I love these boys but sometimes I want to kick them. Josh, Lilly and Saxon told us that they had to go to there lockers and said that they'd see us later so it was just me, and my boys.

All eyes were on us as we walked threw the parking lot. Girls were drooling over the boys and glaring at me. The guys were staring at me with lust and sending envious looks to the boys. When we walked threw the main doors a thousand memory's flooded into my mind. Like how one time Adrianna pushed me into a garbage can over there, or how I used to run to that bathroom and cry.

I pushed the memory's out of my head, not wanting to think about it. We walked to the front office and I saw the all to familiar bitchy attendance lady. The little bell chimed when we walked in, successfully getting her attention. She looked up and the first thing she did was check out the four boys. I shuddered, she's like thirty.

"How can I help you?" She asked with a wink. I glared at her and said,

"Hi, we're new students and we need our schedules and such, oh and I'm pretty sure the boys don't need to be eye raped by a forty something lady." She glared at me and dramatically put her hand to her mouth.

"I'm only 39!" She screeched. I laugh and replied,

"Excuse me, 39 year old. But still we need our stuff." She glared at me and turned to her computer.

"Names." She asked dryly.

"Ashton Heart, Justin Light, Jace Light, Reed Conner and Winston Black." I listed. She typed away on her computer and shortly after I heard the printer go off. She handed us our papers and turned away from us. Laughing I led the boys out of the room

"Let me see your schedules." I said. They handed there schedules over and I noticed that I have every class with the kids besides math. I have three classes with Reed and one with Winston. I handed there schedules back to them.

"We have every class together besides one!" I said to the twins. They both got evil looks on there faces and I laughed a like a maniac.

"Oh no! This is going to be a disaster." Reed gasped. I laughed at him and bumped his shoulder with mine.

"I'm going to go to my locker, see you guys in first." I said with a wave. They waved back and I was off. It turns out my locker is only four down from my old locker. I opened it up and put my stuff into it. I grabbed my English book, seeing as its my first period.

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