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*Ashton's POV*

I could feel the sun shining down on my body and I sighed in happiness. I could also feel Saxons arm on my waist and I slowly turned over so I was facing him. I looked at his bare chest and slightly blushed when I remembered what we did last night, we had a blanket over us but I knew what was underneath.

I'm not gonna lie but last night was the best night of my life. I reached my hand up and touched the mark on my neck. It tingled when I touched it so I took my hand away from it. I then looked down at the beautiful wedding ring that was on my finger. I was engaged and fully mated to my mate and I couldn't be happier.

I looked back up to Saxons sleeping face and smiled. He looked like such an angel when he sleeps. I gently ran my finger over his cheek bone and then down to his lips. I traced my finger over his pink lips and as I was doing it I felt his lips rise into a smile.

"Hello beautiful." Saxon said as he sleepily opened his eyes. I stared into his gorgeous green eyes and I saw complete happiness there.

"Hi baby." I said with a smile. Saxons arms tightened around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. He gently traced his fingers up and down my bare side and I got goose bumps as he did. We stared into each others eyes in silence as we peacefully laid in each others arms.

Our sweet moment was interrupted when my stomach let out a loud grumbling sound that reminded me of a dying whale. Saxon chuckled at me and stroked my blushing face.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me. I nodded my head and he quickly sat up. I shrieked and pulled the blanket that had fallen off of me back to my body. Saxon chuckled at me and then smirked.

"Baby don't cover up, I've seen it all already." He said cockily. I narrowed my eyes at him and then slapped him on the arm.

"Jerk." I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest. Saxon chucked and then got up. I averted my eyes from the naked boy that stood in front of me and studied a flower that was next to me.

"You can look now sweetheart, I'm dressed." Saxon sad with a laugh. I turned around and saw that he was back in his clothes from yesterday, dark jeans and a well fitted white shirt. I slowly got up from the ground, careful to keep the blanket around me and walked over to my clothes. Saxon was watching me intently and I couldn't help but blush.

"Don't look." I ordered. He narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head.

"I've already seen it baby, your beautiful and you shouldn't hide your body from me." He said sweetly. I nodded my head and took a deep breath then I let the blanket fall. I'm not gonna lie but I'm still a bit insecure about my body because of the years of bullying I had to endure.

I could feel Saxons eyes on me as I pulled on my bra and panties and then my dress. I finished pulling my heels on and then turned back towards Saxon. He had a small smile on his face and his green eyes were shining. He walked towards me and pulled me into his arms.

"Your so beautiful, in every way." She said in my ear. I smiled happily and hugged him tightly. Saxon pulled away and led me back towards the blanket.

"I packed this food for last night but we got a little bit ah distracted.." He said as we sat down. He pulled the pick nick basket that was off to the side of the blanket into his lap and opened it up. He then pulled out all of the food that was in there. There was fruit, chips, sandwiches, and even chocolate ice cream that surprisingly was still cold.

I took one of the paper plates that was in the basket and filled my plate up. I started to eat my sandwich but the ice cream was just to tempting so I gave up on it and went straight to it. I took the whole container opened it up and ate right from it. Saxon laughed at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

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