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*Ashton's POV*

"You do it."

"No you do it."

No you!" I heard whispered voices from my right. I could tell it was the twins from there voices. I peaked my eyes open a tiny bit and noticed that Justin and Jace were standing next to my bed with a bucket of water in there hands. I closed my eyes again and pretended to be asleep.

"Fine we'll go it together but then we better run because you know that she'll want to murder us." Justin said quietly.

"Okay." Jace whispered back.

"One, two,' Bur before Justin could finish his count down I jumped out of bed and flipped the buckets on them so they got soaked. There faces were priceless.

I fell back onto my bed laughing my head off as they stood there looking shocked.

"How did you know?" Jace asked. I got my laughing under control and looked up at the wet twins.

"You were being to loud." I said as I got up from my bed. The twins hung there heads and walked out of my bedroom door. I laughed a little and then headed over to my closet. Sadly today's Monday and we have to go back to school.

I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black and red plaid button up shirt with a white tank under it. I left the buttons on my shirt undone and slipped on my black flats. I went to my bathroom and straightened my hair and added a bit of makeup.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Saxon stood by the stove cooking what smelt like chocolate chip pancakes.

"Hey baby." I said as I wrapped my arms around him from behind. He finished cooking the pancakes and then turned around to face me. I took in what he was wearing and smiled. He had on black jeans, a black shirt and a a black jacket over it, to say he looked hot would be an understatement.

"You got a little drool." Saxon said motioning to the side of my mouth. I felt a blush come onto my face because he had caught me checking him out but I pushed it away and smirked at him.

"Your just so sexy, I can't resist it." I purred. His eyes flashed black and I could see the lust in them. He bent down to kiss me and at the last minute I ducked out of his reach and ran to the other side of the island. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"That was mean." He pouted. I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled a little bit. In a flash Saxon was right next to me. He scooped my up and set me on the counter. He stood between my legs and then swooped in for a kiss. At first the kiss was slow and sweet but then it got hot and firey.

"Oh gross!" I heard somebody shout from the door way. I broke away from Saxon to see the twins standing in the door way. They had dry clothes on now but I could see that there hair was still wet.

"I lost my appetite." Justin complained. I rolled my eyes at them and hopped down from the counter. I filled a plate with pancakes and then say down at the table. A few minutes later everybody else filled into the kitchen and started eating. I was beginning to think that Alice wasn't going to go to school when she entered the kitchen.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at Alice. She fidgeted under there stares and I stood up from my seat.

"Stop staring people, there's nothing to look at!" I said. Everybody turned there heads back and continued eating. I walked to Alice's side and she gave me a smile.

Five minutes later everybody was in there cars and ready to go. It was Emily's first day at our school and I was excited to see how many classes I have with her. I was riding in the SUV with Saxon and Alice was in the back seat.

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