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*Ashton's POV*

"Haha! Catch me of you can!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs. I heard three sets of feet pounding down the stairs behind me so I speeded up my pace. I ran to the living room and jumped over the couch, I knew it was stupid to try to hide because they can smell me but hey a girl can try right?

It was Sunday today and I really wasn't looking forward to school tomorrow. I heard Jace, Justin and Saxon enter the living room and I held back a giggle. I had attacked the three of them with a water gun, drenching them, and then I ran from the room.

"We know your in here Ashton, better come out." Justin taunted even though I knew they knew were I was. I silently crawled to the left side of the couch and peaked my head out. Saxon, Justin and Jace were all standing in the door way drenched from head to toe. My eyes lingered on Saxon and I couldn't help but to notice how his black shirt clung to his perfectly defined chest or how his hair looked even darker dew to the water.

I had been so distracted by Saxon that I didn't even notice that the twins had snuck up behind me. I felt cold water all over my body and I shrieked.

"Stop it!" I laughed as the twins continued to spray me with water.

"Pay back!" The yelled together. I jumped up from the ground and turned to run only to be engulfed in a pair of arms.

"I don't think so princess." Saxon said as he tightened his grip on me. The twins stocked forward, guns held high and I started to squirm.

"Let me go!" I yelled as they came forward.

"Get her!" Justin cried. The twins continued to shoot me and by the time I was done I was just as drenched as they had been.

"Guys you were supposed to get her not me!" Saxon whined. I turned around to see he had gotten hit with a lot of the water also. The twins threw him innocent looks but before anyone could say anything I heard a gasp from the living room entrance. I turned towards the door to see my mother standing there.

"Ashton! Your ok!" She cried as she ran over to me. She pulled me into a tight hug even though I was wet. I didn't know what to do so I let my arms hang. She pulled back and inspected my face.

"I'm so glad your okay." She said as she went in for another hug. I stepped back and gave her a hard look.

"Why do you care?" I asked harshly. She flinched but put a smile on her face.

"Because your my daughter and I love you." She said sickly sweet. As soon as the words left her mouth I wanted to slap her.

"You are no mother of mine." I answered. She looked taken back and her mouth fell open.

"I am to your mother!" She protested. I snorted at her foolish expression.

"You are not my mother. Sure you may have given birth to me but you stopped being my mother the day you blamed me for my fathers death." I practically yelled. She flinched when I mentioned dad and I glared at her.

"I'm sorry Ashton. I was so lost without your father, I felt like I needed somebody to blame and sadly I chose to blame you and it was a huge mistake. Please give me another chance to be your mother." She begged. I studied her face. She looked sincere but looks can be deceiving.

I narrowed my eyes at her and then pushed past her, trying to get out of the living room but before I could she clasped her hand around my wrist.

"Ashton?" She asked quietly. I yanked my wrist out of her hand and turned back to her.

"Just leave me alone." I said and then turned back around. I walked out of the front room and calmly up the stairs but when I got to the top I ran to my room and slammed the door. I slid down the door and brought my knees up to my chest. I felt a tear escape from my eye and I whipped it away furiously. I will not cry over her. I don't even know why she wants another chance, she made my life hell for five years, she abused me and know she wants back into my life? If she really wants a chance then she's going to have to work hard to get it.

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