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*Ashton's POV*

When I woke up my face felt dry and my skin felt like rubber. I yawned and stretched like a cat. I looked down and realized that I had slept in my cloths, they were wrinkled and had rode up. The memory's of what happened last night flashed into my mind and it brought tears to my eyes.

How could he do this to me? He said that he would always love me, he cheated on me. The only man who I had ever opened up and let in broke my heart. Sighing I got up out of my bed and went into the bathroom, a shower will help me get my mind off of things.

Turns out a shower didn't help me get my mind off of it. In all reality it just made it worse, to much time to think. I pulled out a pair of black baggy sweatpants and a white tank top with a purple hoodie. I threw my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and put a headband on. I didn't bother with any makeup because I knew that I would be crying today.

I opened my door and made my way down the stairs. I walked into the living room and immediately regretted it. On the couch sat Winston and the red headed girl from yesterday. I tried to back out of the room unnoticed but of course Winston heard me right before I escaped. They both looked up at me. I turned around and quickly ran for the room to the kitchen. I started to rummage threw the kitchen before I heard someone clear there throat from behind me.

I slowly turned around and saw Winston standing in the door way. We had a mini stare down for a few seconds before I glared at him and turned back around. There was an uncomfortable silence for a minute or two until he spoke up,

"Look I'm sorry, will you just let me explain." His voice sounded sad and it slightly shook. I thought about it for a moment, do I really want to hear what he has to say? I sighed and replied,

"I don't even know if I really care Winston, you cheated on me." He looked down at his feet when I said this. He didn't reply for a moment so I took that as a sign to leave. I picked up the bowl of cereal I had made and started to walk to the door. As I was passing Winston he grabbed my arm and said,

"Please just let me explain, five minutes." I rolled my eyes but nodded my head. He lead me outside onto the small back porch. We stood and took in the view. The sun was rising and the flowers were blossoming.

"Are you going to explain or are we just gonna stand here?" I said rudely. He looked at me and nodded his head.

"After I left for the bathroom I smelt the most wonderful smell, I followed it and it led me to Alice. As soon as I saw her I knew she was my mate. I talked to her and we both accepted each other as mates, then we went into the woods were you found us." Winston said. His mate? His mate. He found his mate. I could feel my heart crumbling. I knew this day would come but I didn't know it would come so soon. But I decided then and there I wouldn't get in the way of him and his mate, no matter how much I love him.

"I'm happy for you, now if you'll excuse me." I said emotionlessly. I began to walk away but he said,

"I'm sorry." I ignored it and fought back the tears. When I went back inside I saw the girl, Alice, sitting on the counter.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I-" she began. I didn't want to hear any of this so I cut in.

"Don't apologize. It's not like you knew that my boyfriend would be your mate." I said with a low voice and walked away. As soon as I made it to my room I threw myself on the bed, crying.

'You knew this would happen.' My wolf said.

'I know but I didn't expect it to happen so soon, and he could have at least told me, ended it properly.' I replied. My wolf was strong but I knew she felt hurt, she had gotten attached to Winston's wolf. She whimpered but said nothing back. There was a slight knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I croaked out.

"It's us." Jace and Justin replied.

"Come in." I said. The door opened and the twins stood there with worried looks on there faces. When they saw my red, tear streaked face they rushed over to me.

"What happened?" Jace rushed out.

"Ya who made you cry? I'll kick there ass." Justin said. I sighed and told them the whole story. By the end of my 'sad' tale both of the boys were angry to say the least.

"He cheated on you!" Justin yelled.

"I'm gonna-" Jace began but I cut him off.

"Guys please leave him alone. It's his mate, who he was made for. Let them be happy." They looked down at there feet guiltily.

"Ok" they muttered in sync. I smiled slightly and patted them on the shoulder.

"Lets go downstairs, watch a movie or something." I said cheerfully, not that I really was. The twins nodded there heads and jumped up. They gave each other a look and I knew that they were mind linking. They both got an evil smirk on there faces and I knew I was in for some trouble.

I jumped up from my bed and ran to the door, before I could even make it down the stairs I was scooped up into a pair of arms. A scream left my lips, followed by a giggle.

"Put me down!" I laughed. Justin ran down the stairs and turned toward us. Jace hoisted me up a bit and threw me down the stairs to Justin. I screamed so loud I thought my voice would die. Justin caught me in his arms and smirked down at me.

"Are you trying to ruin my eardrums sis?"

"Shut up! Put me down!" I yelled, I was actually having fun. Justin casually walked to the back yard with Jace right behind us. I saw the huge pool and knew what they were gonna do. I started squirming in Justin's arms and giggling at the same time. I looked around the backyard and noticed that Saxon was standing in the doorway. Our eyes connected and I got lost in them, there so captivating.

I was stuck in a trance until i felt cold water surround my body. I gasped and swallowed water in the process. Kicking hard i made my to the surface taking a deep breath when i did. Jace and Justin were by the edge of the pool laughing there asses off. I slowly made my way over there, not that they noticed. I grabbed there legs and pulled them out from under them. They fell face first into the water. It was my turn to laugh.

They crashed to the surface and were gasping for breath. I was laughing so hard i hadn't realized that Justin had swam over to me, he dunked me under and for the next half hour we had a water fight.

By the time we were done i was pruned and named queen. I have a feeling they let me win, but still. I dragged myself out of the pool and ran into the house. I was dripping water everywhere. I ran threw the kitchen, on the hardware floor when i slipped. I was for sure i was going to fall and break something but before i could a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I knew who it was immediately because of the sparks.

My wolf purred in happiness. I looked up into the beautiful green eyes of Saxon, he stared back into mine. We just stood there for who knows how long, staring into eachothers eyes deeply. To anybody looking at us right now it would proballly look akward and weird, but its not. I hate to admit it but this is the happiest ive felt in a long time, it was pure bliss. My wolf and i had been away from Saxon for so long that my body has craved for his touch, being away from eachother was actually weakening our mate bond. Saxon slowly started to lean towards me and my heart started to beat rapidly. My eyes flashed down to his luscious,full, pink lips. He got closer and closer and as he did my heart started to beat even faster. Our lips were only inches apart, just about to touch. Closer now, I could practically feel the warmth coming off of his lips, then there was a clearing of somebodys throat.

I was immediatley snapped out of my trance. I pulled away from Saxons face and out of his arms. Looking up i noticed that the person who had cleared there throat was Winston. I may be mad at him right now but i was thankfull he had because if i had let myself kiss Saxon i would have serously regretted it. Saxon was looking at Winston with a mean glare in his eyes and Winston was glaring right back. The tension in the room was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. So i did the thing that im best at, i ran. I ran all the way to my room, ignoring the calls of the boys.

I slammed my door and slumped down against it. I'm really glad that Winston stopped us because I realize something, not only was I about to kiss Saxon but I wanted to.


I know it's short but at least it's something!(:

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