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*Saxons POV*

I crouched down lower in the bush so none of the guards would see me. To my right was Josh and to my left was Reed. We had set out on the search party this morning and now we were hiding outside of the first strong hold. There were guards all over the place and they were carrying what looked like guns loaded with silver bullets.

We're still trying to come up with a plan to take the guards out without alerting anybody inside.

'Let's just attack.' Josh spoke in my head. It seemed like the best thing to do so I nodded my head in agreement.

'Ok this is what were going to do.' I spoke to all of the men that were with us. 'Josh, Reed and I will take the six major guards in the front. The rest of you take the ones on the sides. Be careful not to get shot, silver will kill.' I spoke calmly but on the inside I was freaking out. What if Ashton's not here? Is she ok? Have they harmed her? All these questions have been running threw my head.

'Ok everyone on the count of three.' I said slowly. The men all nodded there heads, with determined looks on there faces.

'One, two, three!' I yelled threw the pack link and we charged. We seemed to have taken the guards by surprise because I had already pounced on my first victim before he even registered what happened. He was still in human form so it was a quick, easy kill. I heard a howl of pain come from my right and I looked over to see that one of the guards had shifted and he was now on top of Josh, about to tear his throat out.

I quickly ran forward so I was behind the guard and I pounced on him, taking him off of Josh. The guard was trying to get out of the tight hold I had one his neck but it wasn't doing him any good. I jerked my head to the right and heard the 'crack' I was looking for.

I turned back around, looking for another guard but it looked like they were fighting my other men, so I took the chance to run to the gate. The gate had been left open when the guards came rushing out so I was able to slip right in. I ran towards the front door, breathing in large amounts of air, trying to get Ashton's scent.

I ran threw the opened front door but I stopped when I got inside. I looked to my left and saw that it led to a large room, maybe a front room. Then I looked to my right, there was a long hall way and it looked like there were stairs at the end. I put my nose to the ground and I sniffed.

I felt happiness spread over me when I picked up Ashton's scent from the right. I immediately turned right and started running down the long hallway. Her scent was getting stronger as I ran down the hall way and I felt myself getting more anxious as I ran. I'm finally getting Ashton back, she's hear.

I pushed my legs harder because I wanted nothing more then to see her. I finally got to the end of the hallway and I jumped down the stairs, landing gracefully on my feet. There was a large metal door right in front of the stairs and Ashton's scent was coming off strong from it.

I ran towards the door, my heart beating rapidly because I finally get to have my mate back. I pushed open the door and ran inside. But when I looked around I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. My wolf howled a pain filled howl and a small whine escaped my lips.

She wasn't there.


*Ashton's POV*

"Let go of me!" I yelled as Danny grabbed my arm. Danny sighed angrily and have me a hard glare.

"Ashton if you would stop struggling and it will make everything easier." He spoke threw clenched teeth. We had arrived at the new strong hold yesterday and as soon as we got here I was thrown into the dungeon room and changed up. And now Danny, the guard from the other day, is trying to get me chained back up.

Danny had come down earlier today to give my food and I had told him I had to go to the bathroom but as soon as he in chained me I had kicked him in the stomach and ran away. He of course caught up to me and brought me back to the dungeon and he's currently trying to chain me back up.

I glared right back at him and dodged him as he tried to grab me.

"Just do it!" Danny yelled. I flinched from his tone but held my ground.

"No." I spat at him. His eyes flashed to black and I could tell his wolf was coming to the surface. Before I even had time to register what was happening Danny raised his hand and brought it down across my face hard.

I fell to the ground from the impact of his slap and he took that to his advantage and chained up my ankles. I held my throbbing cheek with both of my hands and I could feel the tears leaking out of my eyes. I looked up at Danny and I thought I saw regret etched on his face but it was gone within seconds.

"Now you better listen to me from now on!" He said as he turned and left the room. He had left my hands unchained because I was holding my cheek. All of a sudden I felt a push at the back of my mind. I slightly gasped and the guard standing at my door gave me a hard look.

'Ashton.' A voice came from the back of my mind and I immediately recognized it as Lilly.

'Lilly!?' I called. I hadn't been able to contact anybody no matter how hard I tried for the last few days so I gave up.

'Oh my Ashton! I'm so glad your answering me. Nobody has been able to get threw to you.' She said, sounding close to tears.

'I think it's something they've been putting in my food because I've been trying to contact somebody but nobody has answered.' I replied.

'Are you ok? I mean have they hurt you?' Lilly asked worriedly. I slightly chuckled at how much of a worried mother she sounded like.

'I got a bad beating the other day but other then that they've only hit me a few times.' I answered. I heard Lilly suck in a sharp breath before she replied.

'I'm so sorry Ashton! I miss you so much. Saxon has been going crazy not having you here. They attacked a strong hold yesterday, your scent was strong there but you weren't there.' Lilly cried threw the pack link. I felt a pain in my heart when she said Saxons name.

I miss him so much and my wolf has been crying for him since we were took five days ago.

'They moved me two days ago to a new strong hold. Lilly I need to talk to Saxon, I'll talk to you whenever I can on?' I said to Lilly.

'Ok.' She replied shakily. I felt Lilly leave my mind a few seconds later. I slightly shifted so I wasn't facing the guard at the door before I tried calling Saxon.

'Saxon?' I called. At first I heard nothing but after a few seconds there was a quiet reply.

'Ashton? Is that you?"Saxon asked. I felt my wolf purr because she was hearing her mates voice and happiness erupted in me also.

'It's me.' I said slowly.

'Ashton! It's really you! Are you ok? Has anybody harmed you? Where are you baby?' Saxon called out hurriedly. I smiled before answering.

'Calm down Saxon. Yes it's really me. Yes I'm fine, just a few cuts and bruises. And I'm not sure where I am.' I said calmly. I heard Saxon growl wen I told him that I had a few cuts am bruises.

'What was the pain that I felt three days ago?' Saxon asked and I could hear the anger in his voice. I gulped and let out a sigh.

'I spat in a guards face so he gave me a beating. I'm fine now though so please don't get worked up over it.' I asked quietly. There was silence for a moment before I heard Saxon growl angrily.

'I'm going to kill them when I find you. Every last one of them!' He yelled angrily.

'Saxon calm down. Don't get worked up over this, please for me?' I asked knowing that would get to him. He let out a sigh before he calmed down.

'I'm sorry I just miss you so much and knowing that somebody harmed you and I wasn't there to protect you angers my wolf.' He said quietly and I could hear pain in his voice.

'I know but you need to stay calm.' I said to him.

'I know, and I will. I'm going to get you out of there Ashton, I promise.' Saxon said and I felt new hope make its way into my heart.


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