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*Ashton's POV* (one year later)

"Stop it, your going to hurt yourself!" I laughed as I watched Justin doing some kind of trick off of one of the machines in the training room. It had been a whole year since the boys found me that day in the woods and accepted me into there pack, and I've loved every day of it. After are meeting in the woods the boys took me back to the pack house and introduced me to the pack. They tried to get me to go to school but I refused until I lost all my weight.

Now I'm a hundred and fifty pounds lighter and couldn't be happier. I now only weigh a hundred and twenty pounds and not to sound arrogant or anything but I'm hot. I let my hair grow out and it now reaches just above my butt, my eyes shine a bright baby blue instead of the dull they once were. My body is lean and has curves in all the right places.

My looks aren't the only thing that had changed about me though, gone is the shy girl who let everybody step on her and in her place is a bad ass girl who doesn't take crap from anyone.

"Ok guys go get cleaned up, we have a pack meeting in an hour." Reed said as he walked out of the exercise room. I nodded my head and motioned for the other three boys to follow me. As soon as I opened the door I felt myself being lifted into a pair of strong arms. I laughed and started to squirm.

I heard Justin and Jace laughing from behind me, so I guessed that it was Winston who was carrying me.

"Winston put me down!" I giggled. I felt the laugh vibrate in his chest and his arms wrapped tighter around me. Yes Winston and I were dating, we had been since three months after I arrived. He was perfect to me and I loved him with all my heart, my wolf even liked him, she didn't love him but she liked him. My wolf still whines for her mate, but only from time to time. Me? Well I'd learned to accept the rejection and move on.

Winston carried me all the way upstairs, to the third level of the house were my room was. He gently set me back on my feet and turned me around to face him. I stared up into his beautiful blue eyes and felt deep love. He slowly leaned down and have me a short but passionate kiss. It took my breath away.

"See you in an hour beautiful." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him and replied,

"See you then." We parted ways and I went into my bathroom to take a much needed shower.

When I got out of the shower I threw my bathrobe on and went to brushing out my long hair. I blow dried it and straightened it to perfection. Next I added a bit of mascara to my already long and full lashes, a light eyeliner and I was done with that.

I ran to my closet and pulled on a pair of black high waist denim shorts that reached about mid thigh and a cropped belly shirt with the word 'love' in it. I put my gladiator sandals on and was out the door. I walked down the three flights of stairs and reached the large living room. Most of the pack was already there. I walked over to Winston and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"The reason that I called for this pack meeting today is to discuss the growing problem with the rogues." Many pack members growled at the mention of the horrid people. Rogues had been a growing problem for about six months now. "I know that it upsets you to hear about them and that's why I think that most If you will be happy about the new situation we've been put in, others might not but its what we have to do to keep are pack safe." I could've sworn that his eyes flashed to me when he said that.

"To help protect our pack from rogues, I have talked to a alpha of a nearby pack. We've both agreed that it would be best if we strung together to keep our packs safer." There were mourners from the crowd, some of agreement, some of disagreement.

"So we have to move in with them?" A random person shouted from the crowd.

"Yes. We will be moving into there territory seeing as its bigger and better positioned for war." I thought about this. If we're moving in with another pack and they are a neighboring pack who could they be? A thought immediately shot into my head but I quickly threw it out, Reed would never do that to me.

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