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*Ashton's POV*

I sighed as I rolled over in my bed. I didn't want to get out but once I remembered that I had a date with Saxon I immediately jumped out of my bed. I excitedly ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lilly was seated at the counter drinking a cup of coffee. As soon as she saw me she smiled.

"Hey why are you do excited?" She asked curiously. I was nearly bouncing on my feet because of how excited I was.

"I have a date with Saxon today!" I said happily. Her face lit up and she smiled like she knew something I didn't.

"Oh yay! Me, Alice and Emily get to help you get ready!" She said excitedly. I nodded my head happily and then proceeded to make myself a piece of toast. I quickly ate the toast and looked at the clock, it was 12:00 so I have two hours to get ready.

"Come on Lilly!" I said excitedly. She laughed at me but got up from her seat and followed me. We went to Alice's room and knocked on the door and not two seconds later did she answer.

"Ya?" She asked as she opened the door. She saw that I was bouncing on my feet and she gave me a questioning look.

"I have a date with Saxon today and your going to help me get ready!" I ordered.

"Thanks for asking." She muttered sarcastically as I took her hand and dragged her to the next floor, time to get Emily. I knocked on Emily's door and when I got no response I walked right in, let me tell you though I wish I hadn't. Emily and Reed were on the bed half clothes sucking each others faces off.

"Ewww!" I shrieked. Both of there heads snapped up and as soon as Emily saw it was me she blushed a deep red, Reed on the other hand growled at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and pranced right over to the bed.

"Come on Emily I have a date and I need your help!" I said excitedly. Her face lit up and she pushed Reed off of her. He tried to grab her but she smacked his hands away and scolded him.

"I'm going to help my friend get ready!" She ordered. Reed glared at her and then me before huffing and walking to the bathroom. I smiled at Emily as she quickly put her shirt on.

"Come on!" I said excitedly. Emily laughed and the three girls followed me to my bedroom. As soon as we got in there I was shoved into the shower. I took a while in the shower washing my hair and body and then I got out. I pulled on my warm robe and walked out of the door. All three girls were huddled in a group whispering quietly to each other and as soon as I walked in the stopped taking.

I narrowed my eyes at them and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Whatcha talking about?" I asked. They all shrugged and avoided eye contact but I decided to drop it. Lilly marked forward and sat me down in the chair that sat in front of my mirror. She took my hair out of the towel and got to work on blow drying it. When my hair was completely dry she took out my curling wand and plugged it in.

Alice and Emily were excitedly whispering to each other in the corner and I tried real hard to pick up what they were saying but I couldn't. I huffed in annoyance and gave up. Lilly the started to curl my hair in elegant curls. When the she was finished curling she took my two front pieces and pulled them back, pining them with one of my pretty butterfly pins. My hair looked great and I loved it.

Lilly then moved out of the way and Alice took her place. She got out my makeup kit and took a few things out. First she applied a little but of foundation and then some blush to add color. She then got to work on my eye shadow. I couldn't tell what she was doing because she was blocking the mirror but I had faith in her makeup skills. She applied a few swipes mascara to my eyes and then she stepped back. She smiled proudly at her work and I looked in the mirror. I gasped when I saw what she had done to my eyes. On my bottom lid she had applied a light golden color with a tiny of white to it and then above it she put a strip of a darker gold.

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