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*Ashton's POV*

Oh. My. God. These people just need to leave me alone. All week I've had people following me around because of this whole rogue thing. I mean I appreciate that they care about me but its getting old. I was walking down the stairs going to the back yard. It's a Friday and I have nothing to do, Lilly and Josh are out, the twins, Reed and Winston are all taking care of pack business so I have nobody to hang out with.

I walked I to the back yard and took my shirt off, I was going to go for a swim because its a really nice day. Stripping out of the rest of my clothes I jumped into the water. I immediately felt the cool water surround my body. I kicked my legs and resurfaced. When I opened my eyes I saw that Saxon was watching me from the window. I decided to ignore him.

He's been being a real ass lately. Ever since the rogue leader threatened me he's been practically controlling my life. He won't let me go anywhere without at least two guards, even at school. I tried to sneak out on Thursday, I got caught and he yelled at me and tried to ground me, ground me! Who does he think he is, my father?

I sank under the water again and swam around the pool. I spent a good thirty minutes in the large pool before I got out. Pulling myself out of the cool water I picked up a towel and wrapped it around myself. I decided to let the sun dry me and maybe get a tan.

I was laying on the lawn chair for no more then ten minutes until I felt a shadow cover my sun When I opened my eyes Saxon was standing over me.

"Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically. His lips formed into a thin line and he replied,

"You need to come inside, your going to get a sunburn." I locked my jaw and scrunched up my nose. There he goes again trying to act like my father. I stood up from my lawn chair and stalked towards him. I got right up in his face, pointing a finger to his chest and said,

"Who do you think you are? Your not my father, you cant boss me around. I'm seventeen I can do whatever the hell I want!" He had a smirk on his face and replied,

"I got permission from Reed to do whatever I think is best for you, and I think it's best for you to come inside." Oh how I wanted to slap that smirk off of his face. I shrieked and pushed him, hard. I watched as he fell into the pool, fully clothed. His face was one of pure shock.

I couldn't help it, I laughed. This laugh wasn't just a little one it was a full on belly laugh that had my whole body shaking. I was so heavily laughing that I didn't even notice Saxon getting out of the water, or that he was coming right at me. When I finally did notice he was standing less then a foot away from me.

I turned around and ran towards the house, I didn't get very far before I felt wet, cold arms wrap around my waist and haul me off of the ground.

"Nooo!" I yelled. Saxon tightened his arms around me to stop me from moving. "Put me down!" I screamed. He was walking toward the pool now and I knew he was going to throw me in. I braced my self for the impact of the water but right before he threw me I grasped his arm, successfully pulling him in with me.

We both landed in the water with a loud 'splash!'. I plunged to the surface and took a deep breath. I turned to look for Saxon but couldn't find him. I continued to look for a few seconds but couldn't see him anymore, by now I was starting to panic. What if he hit his head and is dying right now.

Before I could go into full out panic mode I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from the back and I quickly calmed down. Turning around I glared at Saxon.

"You scared the hell out of me!" I nearly screamed. My chest was huffing up and down and I felt a tear slip and run down my cheek. I know me and Saxon aren't mater, or even in a relationship but it still hurt to think that he was dead.

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