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*Ashton's POV*

"Wait you were able to contact him?!" Emily asked. I nodded my head and her jaw dropped. It had been two days since I first figured out that I could talk with Saxon and since then we have been talking non stop, trying to figure out were I am.

Emily had come down to my cell about an hour ago and I had just gotten done telling her about how I could talk to Saxon.

"Why is it so surprising?" I asked her confused. She closed her mouth before answering my question.

"Because my father has been putting this stuff in your food that is suppose to make it so you can't talk to your pack but I guess your body,or your wolf, is to strong for it." She said with astonishment in her voice. I furrowed my eye brows together confused, to strong?

"Ya I figured that he had been putting something in my food, I just thought that it had wore off or something." I said. She nodded her head and we sat in silence for a moment. I looked over to Emily and she had a frown on her face. It looked like she was thinking about something really hard.

"What is it Emily?" I asked her concerned. She glanced up at me for a moment before looking back down at her fingers.

"We'll it's just that I have been thinking lately and well I wanted to know if when you get out of here." She paused and I motioned for her to continue. "Will you take me with you?" She asked cautiously. I didn't even have to think about my answer.

"Of course I will." I said happily. Emily and I have gotten close over the last couple of days and I would be more then happy to take her back with me. "We just have to get Reeds permission, but I'm positive that he will let you." I added.

Emily nodded her head excitedly before throwing her arms around my neck.

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do if I had to stay with my father for any longer." She said happily. I had just opened my mouth to reply when we heard a loud 'bang' from upstairs. There was panicked yelling coming from upstairs and I could hear people running all over they place.

I suddenly heard a pained scream from outside followed by a vicious growl that could only belong to one person, my alpha mate.

Saxon is here to here to rescue me.


*Saxon's POV*

"Are you sure she's hear?" My dad asked threw the pack link.

"I'm positive." I answered confidently. After we had figured out I could talk to Ashton we have been trying our hardest to find out where she is.

Currently we were in the woods in front of the strong hold I knew Ashton is in. I know that she's in there because my wolf is going crazy just standing outside of the place.

"Ok son." My dad answered unsure. After what happened last time he is a bit cautious to attack.

"Ok every one this is how were going to do this, those of you on the left attack from the left side, same with those of you on the right. Those with me were going to attack head on. Don't get hit with the bullets, there silver." I ordered. All of the men shook there large wolf heads.

"One, two, three!" I yelled and we went charging forward.

We somewhat took the guards by surprise but not really. They were alert this time and there was a lot more of them then there were at the other strong hold. About half of the guards had shifted and the other half were still in human form shooting bullets at us.

I narrowly dodged a bullet that was shot at me before I pounced on a wolf that was running right at me. I latched onto his neck from behind and forced him onto the ground. He tried to kick me with his hind legs and I jumped out of the way. I snapped my head to the right and he fell limp. I dropped his body and ran towards the gate, of course I got stopped.

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