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*Ashton's POV*

I sighed as I threw myself onto my bed. It has been a long day. Saxon laid down next to me and draped his arm over my waist. We had spent all day at the hospital with Lilly and Seth and we had just barely gotten back.

"Are you okay babe?" Saxon asked as his arm tightened around my waist. Ever since I first held Seth I have been thinking really hard about something and I think that I have finally come to a decision.

"I'm fine but I need to speak with Reed." I said. Saxon lifted his arm off of me and followed me out of my bedroom door. I could hear everybody down stairs so I figured that Reed was with them. When I reached the living room I saw that, as I guessed, everybody was there. I walked into he room and over to where Reed and Emily were cuddled up on the couch.

"Reed I need to talk to you." I said. He looked up at me and studied my face for a moment.

"What is it Ash?" He asked calmly. I took a deep breath before saying the words that I knew would shock everybody.

"I want to step down as beta." I said. I heard gasps come from the twins and Saxons eyes were wide.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that." Reed said with a laugh. I tilted my head to the side and gave him a questioning look.

"How did you know?" I asked. He smiled at me and then spoke in my mind.

'I saw the look you had on your face at the hospital, your ready to settle down as mate with Saxon.' He said. My mouth fell open causing Reed to chuckle.

"How..?" I trailed off and he gave me a cricked smile.

"It was written all over your face." He said. I was still shocked that Reed had hit the nail right on its head.

"Are you sure about this Ashton?" Saxon asked me worriedly. I took a deep breath and released it.

"I'm positive." I said confidently. Saxon nodded his head and then took me in his arms.

"Who are you going to make beta?" Saxon asked Reed. He turned towards the twins and looked at them.

"I was hoping one of you would do it?" He asked. Jace immediately shook his head.

"No way bro. Sorry but I don't want the position." Jace said quickly. I chuckled at him and he glared at me.

"I'll do it." Justin said. I was surprised that Justin was wiling to step up and do it.

"I knew you would say that." Reed said. Justin smiled largely and jumped up.

"When are we going to do this?" Justin asked. Reed looked to me and I nodded my head.

"Right now." He said as he stood also. We all walked towards the center of the room and stood next to each other.

"Do you, Ashton Heart, step willing step down as beta of the blood moon pack?" Reed asked in his alpha voice.

"I do." I said. As soon as the words left my mouth I felt like something was being sucked out of me. It caused me to stumble but luckily I didn't fall.

"Do you, Justin Light, accept the role of beta?" Reed asked Justin.

"I do." He replied. I watched as he took a deep breath and then suddenly you could feel the beta power coming off of him. I smiled happily at both of the boys and then turned around and jumped into Saxon. He thankfully caught me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Take me to the couch my noble mate." I ordered. Saxon rolled his eyes at me but he walked over to the couch and sat down with me on his lap.

"So Justin what does it feel like to be beta?" I asked him. He smiled happily at me and was about to answer when a man bursted into the room.

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