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Amaryllis Lexington

"Tom Ellis has a better accent, in my humble opinion." Lee  Han's glare made my shirt smell of smoke. I mentally stuck out my tongue at him. He could burn me all he wants, but I won't rescind on my decision.

Lee Han leaned on the table, his eyes holding mine in a mean stare-down, his jaw set with determination. "Sweetheart, Tom Ellis's accent can't hold a candle to the flame of Klaus's."

I repeated his action, by leaning on the table and thrusting my jaw forward while our gazes were still holding each other. "If you want us to keep going back and forth with this till the sun goes down, trust me, I am so down for that. Anyone who has watched Lucifer will agree with me that his accent could make you book a flight to Vegas and marry him without being drunk."

"Hear Hear!" Sierra, Alexander's twin sister and a very loyal supporter of Tom Ellis, said and I rewarded her with a very grateful smile. I hadn't realized Alex had a twin until he showed up with her this afternoon during our ice cream heist. She was super friendly and it didn't take too long for us to click. If she attended our school, we would have been insant friends, but she was in fashion school and she already had her clothing line.

"I can't believe you are supporting her. You are not my blood!" Alex growled at her and I grinned happily. Before we could even say anything, David and Carlson joined us at the table, each carrying trays full of big tubs of ice cream.

"Thank Goodness you guys are here. Carlson, get your girl.  She and Sierra are about to tear the boys apart because of some dumb argument." Jayden said and I glared at him. Everything in that sentence was so wrong, including the part where he called me Carlson's girl because the dumbledum hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend. It's been two week since he confessed his feelings and yet, nothing. He hasn't even kissed me since that day! Sometimes, I wonder if I somehow conjured up that moment with my imagination. Rose told me to calm down and she explained that he may be trying to give us time to settle into this new phase since everything kinda happened way too fast, and I guess I agreed.

"What's the argument about, ladies?" David said, settling into his spot beside Sierra. If I didn't know David better, I'd think he was into Sierra, but I knew he just being his usual self, and also to annoy Alex.

"We're letting the boys know Tom Ellis has a better accent than Klaus." Sierra filled him in and I didn't miss the way her eyes didn't stray from him. I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me she had it really bad for David, but he was just too blind to see it, and his harmless flirting weren't helping matters.

David's jaw slacked as he stared at us as if we had more than two eyes glued to our head. "What blasphemy! Don't ever say that outside or you will get mobbed."

"I hate to agree with David, but that's right. Klaus has the best accent, second to me, of course." Carl said and I gave him a disgusted look and faked a shudder.

"Why are you boys so deaf? Not only is Tom Ellis hotter, he also sounds better, and his abs are for dayssssss." I swooned and Sierra placed her hand to her chest, a dreamy smile on her face.

"You disgust me." Lee Han spat at us and we laughed. The  Tom and Klaus banter went on and on till we were half way into our ice creams.

"I'm gonna drop this, but only for today. We will both go home and watch reruns of both Originals and Lucifer. Don't be bias in making your decisions." Sierra said and we all agreed.

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