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Riverview Estate, CA
Lexington Villa.

Two masked men professionally climbed up the wall of the Lexington mansion, and when they got to the window of the room they were looking for, they jacked it open and slowly crept in.  They knew they had to be as discreet as possible, because right outside the door were two guards protecting the little baby from any harm. Little did the guards and the parents know that harm had arrived at their door step, or should I say window sill?

They dropped gracefully on the floor, their padded shoes making little to no noise as they walked on the marble floor to the expensive crib. The Lexingtons spared no expense at all in giving their baby the best. The room screamed fortune, from the little chandelier and the expensive furniture to the toys that filled the room. There was even a remote controlled walker for the baby that couldn't even stand on her own two feet. Who could blame them? They've been waiting for so long to have a child of their own, but luck didn't smile on Mrs. Ursula Lexington until recently.

One of the men reached into the crib and picked up the sleeping baby girl. Even at two months old, you could tell she would be a real stunner. The golden curls on her head were an exact replica of her mother's and it was rumored she inherited her beautiful green-blue orbs too. Ursula Lexington really poured herself into this baby and gave Adrian Lexington no chance to even reflect on the baby.

She twitched slightly and released a small whimper due to the interruption she got. The masked man placed her in the baby strapper attached to his back, and they both crept out of the room and down the wall with the rope that was attached to a harness. They reached the ground with the baby still sleeping peacefully. Craftily, they escaped to their car without being noticed by the numerous guards surrounding the mansion. Of course they were good at what they did, that's the only reason Mr. De Ville sent them to do his dirty job for him.

"Brad, I honestly don't think I can handle taking this baby's life." The masked man with the baby said to the other. He might be a criminal, but even the beautiful face of Zara Lexington could melt the heart of anyone.

"I don't know, man. We have to do it, we already got paid. Mr. De Ville would kill us if he realizes we let her live. Besides, what do you think we can do with her? We can't exactly raise her." Brad voiced out and melted-masked man agreed, then a light bulb went off in his head.

"We could drive to a far away place and drop her there! That way, Mr. De Ville won't find her, and we can only hope a good person finds her and raise her. But if that doesn't happen, then at least we'll know we tried." He said and Brad reasoned for a while, then he gave his friend a nod and stepped on the gas.

They arrived at Halloway about three hours later, with Zara still deeply asleep. Tired and irritated from the journey, the two men dropped her off in front of a small house that seemed like it would belong to a good family, hoping they were humane enough to take her in, and they sped off.


Halloway, CA
Burton Residence

"Lisa, come on. You are already getting too heavy and I'm finding it so hard to lift you these days. Come jog with me. It's a beautiful morning." Samuel Burton said to his very sleepy wife, who swatted his hand away from her body and turned in between the sheets.

"What can I do to make you go away?" She whined sleepily but her husband wasn't having it. He managed to make falling back asleep so difficult, that she threw the cover away from her body and got off the bed with an irritated sigh.

"I'll have you know that you are going to pay for this, and it has dangerous consequences." If Samuel was fazed by her threat, he didn't show. Instead, he pulled her pyjama-clad body closer to him and covered her lips with his. All her anger and irritation dissipated in less than a micro second and she found herself grateful for being awake at this moment. Not like he wouldn't have kissed her if she woke up later anyway, that man was obssesed with kissing her but she didn't mind one bit.

Lisa couldn't believe her parents almost made her miss this great happiness! They had been too focused on his bank statement that they were blind to how rich he was in life and love. He had so much love to give, that it sometimes scared the lights out of her because she feared she might not be able to reciprocate with such intensity. She already loved him with all of her heart, all of her soul, and every ounce of flesh she had, but he deserved so much more.

"If we continue this, we might not end up jogging......but we would still be exercising." He said after pulling away, accompanying his last statement with a wink and it made Lis hot all over.

"You are a very naughty man. Give me a minute to get ready." She ran away from him and went ahead to make herself look presentable enough to face whoever sees her at six-thirty in the morning, which translates to not exactly looking presentable at all.

As they opened the door of their small but cozy apartment, they were faced with the shock of their lives. Right outside their door was a baby strapper, with a baby nestled safely in it. A gasp escaped Samuel's lips and Lis' eyes were transfixed on the sleeping beauty.

"Oh my God. Who could have done this?" Samuel exclaimed, crouching to access the baby and that was when he realized she wasn't breathing fine. Her breaths were coming in short and dragged bursts.

"Lis, I think the cold has gotten to her badly." He pulled off his running jacket immediately and wrapped the baby around it, her body burnt from her high fever and Samuel's heart clenched. Whoever did this to her was a very cruel person! What sort of mother would leave her child out in the cold in a light onesie.

"Let's get her inside then call an ambulance." Lis offered once she regained her voice. Together, they walked back into their warm house and wrapped the baby with blankets. Lis didn't know whether to get her a cold towel for her fever or keep her warm because of the cold. After all, she has never had a baby even though she badly wished she could carry Samuel's child.

Samuel paced the living room with the phone in his hand as he rattled off their address to the emergency center. Lis, however, couldn't keep her eyes off the baby. She looked divine! Like a package delivered from Heaven's factory and she smelt divine too! She smelt like expensive baby perfume and it made her wonder whose child she could be.

"The ambulance will be here in ten minutes." Samuel interrupted her train of thoughts and she nodded, not looking away from the baby. Something in her was beginning to come alive, and that feeling was a feeling she wanted to keep forever and ever.

"If...if we report this to the police but they can't find her parents. Can...uh.."

"Yes, baby. We can adopt her. I can't bare to watch her leave us, Lis. There's this feeling I get when I look at her and I never want it to go away." Of course they wanted the same thing. They were soul mates after all.

"Then I have a name for her. She's going to be our little Amaryllis. Amaryllis Burton."

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Yours in sassiness and classiness,

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