Chapter Eighteen

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Amaryllis Lexington

Just as Rose hung up to go prepare for her family dinner, the cafe door opened and in, walked the devilish five. Weirdly, a bud of excitement sprouted in my heart and I realized I was actually glad to see them, until I found out they were four and not five. The excitement died down immediately and was replaced with disappointment.

One of them saw me and nodded at me in acknowledgement. Studying the expression on their faces, I realized they didn't look like their usual happy-go-lucky self. Instead, they looked somewhat angry. Well well.

I shifted my gaze from them before someone notices how I've been staring at them and starts to wonder if I'm a creep. I ordered a doughnut with a chocolate milkshake. Not because I was hungry anyway, but because I didn't want to go home. The ambience was not welcoming and it was really weird and uncomfortable.

The last thing I wanted to do was fight with Maya, but for the past days, her attitude towards me has had me second guessing her character. It was weird how she switched from a hundred to a zero in just one day. When she noticed her girls talking to me yesterday at lunch, she frowned at them in a manner that made me think she was Alison's boss.

I shook my head and bit into my doughnut, the sugary taste dousing the bitterness in my heart a little. I started to play fanatical basketball while I sipped on my milkshake. I bet I looked like a girl that was stood up by a date, but I couldn't even care less. My gaze shifted over to the four boys sitting opposite me and they were in some kind of conversation that seemed serious. One of them, the one who nodded at me, had so much anger radiating from him. Their anger was almost painful.

The door opened again and a couple walked in. The girl was clutching to the hand of her man like he would disappear into thin air if she dared to let go, but he didn't seem to mind. He had a happy smile on his face all through and the way he listened attentively to whatever she was saying was almost too cute for my eyes to see.

The girl's eyes finally caught mine and I looked away immediately. Talk about awkward. I didn't even want to imagine the thoughts that would be going through her head about me. Goodness, Amari, what is up with you and creeping people out?

The boredom I felt was overwhelming, so I decided not to seat around in a cafe anymore. I racked my brain for something else to do to kill time, and then decided I would take a walk around till it was around evening, then I'd just retire to my room and sleep the day away.

Just as I opened my purse to drop my bill and a small tip, someone walked in and my hands froze in motion. He was looking around for someone, probably his friends, when his gaze settled on me, and suddenly a small smile appeared on his face. Take me now, dear Lord.

He finally saw his friends and he walked over to them but he didn't take his seat. They talked for a bit and then he started to head my way. That honestly made me feel even much better than I should.

"Aren't you a little too happy to see me?" The rude idiot didn't even greet, he just sat directly in front of me, sporting a silly but totally gorgeous smile on his face. I was about to give him a smart response when I noticed the bruise forming on his cheek. My eyes doubled in size.

"Who hit you?" A shadow flickered across his face and he caressed the cheek and chuckled humorlessly.

"Oh. Some girl who didn't appreciate a comment I gave." My jaw dropped. If someone else had said that, I would have called him/her a liar, but this is Carlson Hawthorne. This was something he could totally do.

"Then you deserve it. You should learn to keep your tongue in check." He smirked and shook his head.

"You looked quite shaken when you found out I was slapped though. I know you care a lot about me, babe. I really wouldn't mind if you want to play nurse." That smirk made me want to bruise the other cheek, but I refrained myself.

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