Chapter Nineteen

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Amaryllis Lexington

I was two seconds away from committing my first murder, but when I remembered that my parents wouldn't appreciate that very much, I decided against it. Why the bitterness and anger, you might ask? Maya Lexington.

Apparently, the devil in disguise is even worse than the one with visible horns, aka Allison. Today was the camping trip and dad volunteered to take the three of us to school. I went up to my room so I could grab my bag and I saw Maya walking out. I was quite glad she went into my room because I thought she missed me and she wanted to check on me, till I entered into my room! ALL MY CLOTHES WERE ON THE FLOOR! She turned my box inside out!

"Amari, get down now. Your dad is about to leave." I heard mum yell and I groaned, wondering what to do about the mess that was on the floor. I had meticulously packed everything I would need into that box. Heck, I even arranged according to colour patterns!

Going on my knees, I managed to squeeze everything into the box but it wouldn't close. I sat on it so I could press it down till I could finally zip it. Mama Burton would probably have goosebumps back in Halloway because of this packing atrocity I just committed, but I didn't have the time to fix it and do things right.

I managed to get out before dad could send out a search party for me. I didn't miss the smirk on Maya's face and if dad wasn't in the car, I would have dragged her by the hair till everything fell out.

"Darling, what took you so long? I watched you pack everything up yesterday." Dad asked me immediately I got into the back seat, unfortunately beside Allison. The other devil was in the passenger's seat.

"Yeah, dad. A pest tampered with my box." His hand dropped from the ignition switch as he turned to stare at me with a bewildered expression. It wasn't surprising because anyone would be alarmed to hear that there was a pest in the Lexington mansion, but he didn't know I was referring to a human pest.

"A pest? How did a pest get into your room? Why didn't you tell me and your mum anything, darling?" His concern never ceased to make me feel special and I felt bad for worrying him unnecessarily.

"It's nothing to worry about, dad. I was just messing around." Relief flooded his expression, and he turned so he could start the car. My eyes met Maya's in the mirror and she smirked.

"Trouble in paradise, I see." Allison whispered and I turned to glare at her. I must have committed some kind of atrocity in my past life and my punishment was to be thrown in this family. No offence to my wonderful parents.

"I'm surprised you can actually see anything with all that eyeshadow weighing heavily on your eyes." Her makeup wasn't actually heavy, in fact, it was perfect but I would rather lose my limbs than tell her that. She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I'm actually impressed. It didn't take you long to unravel the mystery behind her fake good girl act. You must be tougher than I thought. Color me impressed." She said in a volume only I could hear. I had to say, I was starting to really wonder who exactly Maya was.

I decided to keep quiet throughout the journey to school and not over familiarise myself with Allison. We might have a common enemy at the moment but that doesn't make her someone I wanted to be friends with. As I placed my head on the window, my thought went to Carlson and a small guilt settled in the pit of my belly. The worst part of this kind of guilt is that I felt like I wasn't supposed to feel like it. We've thrown worse banters at each other without any of us getting mad. For goodness sake, the human tried to kill me once by throwing me down and I didn't give him so much attitude.

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