Chapter Twenty-three

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Amaryllis Lexington

I left the room immediately Maya walked in. Kayla and I were having a conversation about dresses and baby names once I got over the initial shock of finding out what kind of relationship existed between her and Allison.

I didn't want to put her in an awkward position where she would have to deal with not talking to me just because she didn't want to upset Maya. Although I couldn't understand why she was dealing with such unnecessary drama, it wasn't in my place to tell her what to do. I wouldn't the evil witch who ruined their friendship, but I hoped Kayla would see the light and make the right decision.

Once I got out into the fresh air, I inhaled deeply. The sweet freshness that filled my lungs made me want to run into the woods with arms stretched out. Nature has to be the most beautiful thing in the universe. It's simply divine and captivating.

I kept walking and enjoying the fresh breeze when I saw Allison plucking flowers. She looked very upset and she was taking out the petals of the flowers with anger. Flower murderer.

I was about to walk away when she stopped me, "You don't have to run away. I'm not gonna kill you. At least, not out in the open." How sweet and friendly.

"Why are you murdering these poor flowers? Jealous of their beauty?" An unattractive snort escaped from her, but I could see the small smile playing around her lips.

"I'm imagining the flower is your face." A devilish grin appeared on her face, then dropped the flower and squashed it under feet. My hands instinctively flew to my face and I was glad to find that it was still intact and smooth. Thank Goodness!

"Either that or you're venting out your frustration on those pretty things. You know, the best way to relieve frustrating is to kick something, right? Preferably the person who did it to you. Works everytime." She looked like she was contemplating it, then she shook her head.

"Her baby will get hurt." She said in a low voice and I had an 'awww' moment in my head. I knew she would never do anything to hurt Kayla. Maybe not entirely for Kayla's sake but for her baby's.

I was dying to know what happened between them, but I couldn't ask any one. I couldn't ask Kayla because I didn't even know her that well and I didn't want to probe. I couldn't ask Allison because, well, she's Allison. That's enough to scare any sane person away. However, I decided to push my luck.

"What happened between you both?" The question made her eyes widen, but she quickly masked her surprise and put her poker face back on.

"She didn't tell you?"

I rolled my eyes. "I believe I wouldn't be asking you if she did." Way to go in getting classified information, Amari the great. She narrowed her eyes at me and I shuddered. Damn, she's evil.

"You really wanna know?" I nodded.

"You really really wanna know?" I nodded again.

"You badly wanna know?" Oh, come on! I sighed and nodded again, hoping we don't get to the point where my head falls off my neck. That would be grossly unattractive and fatal.

"How badly do you wanna know?" I could tell she was enjoying my misery from the self satisfied smirk on her face. It was a far cry from the annoyed look she had earlier so I decided to humour her.

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