Chapter Sixteen

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Carlson Hawthorne

"You have to come, dude. This camp is our chance to actually hang out. You've been skipping all our boys time for over two weeks now." Lee said and I sighed. He was right but my hands are tied. We've been dragging the camp issue since the very day the principal announced it. I have just two days to make a decision, but I knew there was no way I could make it.

"I'm sorry, guys. I really wish I could but the company needs me. What if a big client comes over the weekend, requesting a personal meeting with me? It has happened so many times. I don't want to take chances." I walked to the fridge, grabbing an apple and biting into it almost immediately.

"Don't say that. There's zoom, man. You can have meetings anywhere in the world. We are not going to the ends of the earth. Obviously there'll be reception. You can just have the meeting online." Alex provided.

All they said made sense but it didn't convince me. Truthfully, the meeting wasn't the only reason I didn't want to go. There was only major reason keeping me back from taking this time out to live my life the way I should at this age. My mother.

"What if mum gets in trouble again?" I voiced out and a thick silence fell on my group. They knew everything about me. Details of my life that I managed to keep from paparazzi. All the dirty little secrets that could cause the Hawthorne name to be dragged in the mud.

"Well, there's that." Jayden said, anger evident in his voice. Mum was the least favorite person in his books. He hated how I always have to clean up after her whenever she makes a mess of everything.

"It would have been fun if you were coming along. It's a shame." Alex said and I smiled sadly. I couldn't remember the last time I went out with the boys. Thank God for school or I wouldn't even recognize them anymore if they don't come visiting.

"I have an idea. Since we're leaving in two days and you won't be free to hang out with us before we go, let's just head out now. We don't have to do anything fancy. We could just go to Mickies and grab something to eat while admiring pretty girls." David winked and I shook my head. He's hopeless.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm free for the next two hours." I said. I was on my way to getting my jacket when my mum sauntered into the living room, looking like a mess. Her silk robe was hanging limply on her body, a sign that she had lost weight massively, and her blonde hair was sticking out in all directions. If I hadn't known the boys since I was in diapers, I would have felt embarrassed.

"Mum, what's going on?" Pain clutched my chest as I walked over to her. She was a shadow of herself. The vibrant, funny, and lively woman I grew up to know was long gone and this had taken over.

"My d..darling boy." She slurred and my eyes saw red. I wanted to bash my fist into the nearest wall when I realized she was drinking again. The scent of alcohol wrapped around her, murdering the rose like smell that used to accompany her wherever she went. I specifically gave orders that all alcohols in this house should be thrown out!

"You're drinking again?" My voice came out in a painful whisper. If she felt reluctant about her action, she didn't show. She was busy nodding her head like a child and grinning at me like I commended her for a work well done.

"I have a party to attend tonight. I need new clothes." She managed to croak about in between massive hiccups and slurs. My fists clenched beside me and I swallowed.

"No. You are staying in your room and that's final!" I barked at her and fear flashed in her eyes. God knows I hate having to do this but she gets me so worked up. She makes me so mad and I can't even do anything about it. I can't even help her to get the best care possible because if I dared to take her to rehab, the press would find out. They have a way of always finding out.

"Don't you shout at me, boy. I am your mother." A snort escaped me before I could even help it. Yeah right!

"I am not asking for your permission, Carlson. I am telling you! I don't care what you say, I am going to that party. Now give me some money so I can send one of these fools to get me some clothes."

"The people you are calling fools are the ones who are doing their best to look after you and make sure you don't drown in your puke whenever you come home drunk. Those fools are the ones who have displayed utmost integrity by knowing what a mess you are yet keeping it a secret! Those fools are the ones holding the fort for me so I don't go crazy trying to deal with your damnable excesses!" I wasn't prepared for the slap that landed on my cheek. She slapped me. I didn't even know when I started to laugh.

"That is no way to speak to your mother, Carlson! I'll have you know that you can't just talk down on me now that you have control of everything. I am still your mother." I rubbed the spot where she hit me and I winced from the pain. It would definitely bruise come tomorrow morning.

"If you are really my mother, please act like one. I'm tired of sacrificing my entire life for you when you don't even want to be saved." I walked away from her, forgetting about the jacket and just heading out, motioning for the boys to come with.

"Guys, y'all should head to Mickies without me. I'll meet you there. I need to see dad." I said before anyone could mention what happened inside. They all understood and took turns in patting my back before heading out.

I got into my car and veered off towards the familiar path. I've been touring this road everyday ever since dad got transferred here. I didn't want to put him in the same house as mum, so I had him transferred to the second house we bought in our vicinity.

The familiar crunch of my tyres on the marbles that led to the entrance of the house jolted me out of my reverie. I got down from the car and headed inside, nodding absentmindedly at the maids that greeted me.

"Carlson, good to see you. I was wondering when you'd stop by." Dr. Andy stood up immediately he saw me, extending his hand for a shake and I accepted it. Dr. Andy had been my support beam during the most trying times of dad's condition. It's been two years and he has left everything behind ever since, just to focus on my dad.

"Thank you, Doctor. How's he holding up?" He shrugged, his expression telling me everything I needed to know. No changes whatsoever.

"He's the same. It's actually a good thing, Carlson. He hasn't gotten worse, so let's keep hoping for the best." During the first year, these words gave me hope but now, it was already an anthem.

"Thanks, Doctor. I'll go in now." He nodded and I left him, heading to the room that had become a second home to me. The sight of him hooked to those machines never ceased to make my chest hurt. The fact that mum hadn't been here for even a single day made my heart hurt even more.

"Dad, I'm back. I missed you, you know. Work has been really stressful." I chuckled humorlessly, sitting very close to him. I pushed back the stray strand that was on his face, wondering if his hands had been itching to get it away but he couldn't move them.

"I can't wait to get out of school,  you know. It's so stressful, but I know I have to graduate. You need to wake up soon, dad. You need to take control of things in the company so I can focus on school." My voice broke and I cleared my throat, grateful for the fact that I was alone in here.

"You know the camping trip I told you about on Tuesday? Well, I've made a decision. I can't go for it. Not with mum like this. She's getting worse by the minute and I can't do anything to stop it." I ran my hand over my face.

"She's not taking your illness well, dad. I know she's handling it badly, but damn, it's been two years already! Two years, dad. She should get a grip already. Its hard for me too." A single tear escaped my eye because I was just so hurt and so mad.

"I need her badly. I'm tired of handling all these on my own. I need her, but she doesn't even care anymore." I didn't have the heart to keep it in  anymore. I covered my face with my hands and wept. I wept till my eyes became dry.

I pulled into Mickies exactly thirty minutes later and I sighed Jayden's car which the boys came in. I walked into the cafe and was looking around for them when I sighted someone that suddenly made my first real smile appear on my face.

Amaryllis Lexington
The only girl I feel I wouldn't mind seeing every single day.

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