Chapter Eight

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Amaryllis Lexington

"Is it just me or she sounds like a cricket?" Maya nudged me and pointed her finger secretly at the teacher. The fact that I was just thinking the exact thing made me laugh out louder than I wanted, and the teacher halted her speech.

"Any jokes you want to share with the class, Miss Lexington?" Venom laced her voice and I almost asked her what side of the bed she woke up on. Either the wrong side or she's part of those who just hates my guts for existing.

"Nothing you'll find funny, miss." My jaw dropped upon the realization that I was no longer at Halloway where my jokes would not get me in trouble. A hushed silence fell on the class and Miss Terrence shot fiery darts at me through her eyes. If I dared to get suspension, my parents would be so disappointed.

"Why's that? Are you insinuating I have no sense of humor? You rich kids think you can get away with whatever rubbish you do, but I'll have you know I am not a teacher who will kiss your ass." Even though she sounded like a cricket, she was slowly climbing her way to the top of the ladder of people I can tolerate in this school.

"My apologies, ma'am. I honestly didn't mean to be rude." Her gaze softened a little, and I could tell she wasn't used to people apologizing. Well,  what does she expect? The kids of the richest and most influential people in America and some other countries attend here.

"Don't let this repeat itself. Have your seat." I quickly sat down and paid attention to the class till the bell was rung. I could be really playful and wild, but I never take my academics for granted. Not like I'm a straight A student though, but I try.

After three more agonizing classes, it was finally time for lunch. I had a bounce to my feet as we walked out of class. I wonder what the Lexingtons would do if I tabled the conversation about quitting school before them.

"Finally! We can have lunch!" Maya exclaimed, throwing her fists in the air as we walked out. The fact that we think the same things at times makes me wonder if we are really not related by blood.

"Do you think mum and dad will get mad if I tell them I want to quit school?" That halted Maya in her tracks. She blinked at me for about a full minute, then she went into wolf mode. This lady was literally howling and panting and making some inhumane sounds, all in the name of laughing.

"Yeah, I feel so good right now sharing my pain with you." I rolled my eyes and dug into my hoodie pocket to fetch my phone. My bestest friend in the world actually, I'd be lost without my cellphone. Same as ninety-nine percent of all the teenagers in the world.

" Come on, Lis. I'm not laughing at your pain, it's just....I wasn't expecting that. Damn." She managed to get out, even though she was still shaking from her laughter. Her laughter was so damn contagious, I had no idea when I started laughing too, ignoring the weird looks we were getting from the humans around us.

"I'm serious, though. I don't think I'm cut out for education, you know? I have barely spent a full day in this school and I already want to quit. The fact that I still have four years of college makes me wanna curl into a ball and cry my eyes out." She started laughing again, and soon enough she was hitting me while laughing.

"So what are you gonna do when you quit school?" I stared at her with a duh look. Was that even a question?

"Get married to a rich dude, obviously. What do you think? That I'm gonna get a job? Girl, I am not cut out for stress. Any man should be lucky he's marrying me! I am a total spec and he has to pay me for that." I grinned, popping a cherry flavored gum I fetched out from my private stash into my mouth.

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