Chapter Thirty-one

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Amaryllis Lexington

I blinked once.

Then I blinked twice.

Then I blinked the third time.

Till I couldn't stop blinking like I lost control of my eye-blinking muscles (or whatever the medical people call them).

"What are you doing here?" I said when I finally regained half of my senses. His gorgeous lips, which I can perfectly draw with my eyes closed because I have envisioned them more times than a normal person would have, twitched in a smile.

"Not the welcome I was looking for, but I'll take it." Ah. He thinks he's got sass, huh?

I crossed my arms, my eyes not leaving his face for a moment. It was like I was soaking him in because I've been starved of his presence for too long. Heaven knows I wanted to cross the distance between us and hug the daylights out of him, but baby steps. Baby steps, Amari.

"Pray tell what kind of welcome you were looking for, Hawthorne."

His smile widened into a grin and I swear I could see my mum swoon. The evil daughter in me wanted to take off my shoe and throw it at her. No one gawks except for me, woman! That's my man right there, please. If all these pheromones flying around isn't enough hint, the fact that I'm practically drowning in his dreamy eyes should do the trick.

"I don't know, Cielita, I was thinking you would run over here and hug me till I'm breathless, or if the hug is too simple for you, we could go the extra mile." Before I could even respond, my mum choked. Either she was faking it or she choked on her silence. One look at her told me it was the former. I gave her the 'get out of here right now' look, and thankfully she got it.

When we were finally alone, thank goodness, I covered the distance between us till we were standing only about five feet apart. Or maybe the four, I don't know, but the distance was small enough to feel his warmth but too large to actually do what I've wanted to since he walked in.

As if reading my mind, he said, "Are you just going to stand there or are you gonna come over here? I'm dying to hug you, Amari."

With a wide grin and a thudding heart, I covered the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me back, lifting me off the floor like I weighed next to nothing. He was holding me like he was scared that if he should let go, I would turn into smoke and evaporate.

"I love you."

"I love you so much." We said at the same time, and while he could laugh about it, I couldn't afford that luxury because my face was burning up like a volcano. The cute-o-meter in my head kinda broke the scale. This had to be cutest moment in history.

He put me down delicately and I almost whined, but I refrained myself, not wanting to be a clingy missy. He held my hand in his, tenderness shining in his eyes brightly. "I'm sorry, Amari. I'm sorry I didn't stay true to my words. When I told you I loved you, I was making you a promise. A promise to trust you and stand by you with everything and in everything. Yet, one little misunderstanding and I totally lost sight of who you really are."

I wanted to respond but he placed his finger on my lips, causing my heart to go into overdrive. "You are one heck of a crazy girl, baby, no doubts. You are crazily beautiful, crazily smart, crazily sassy, crazily insane, and crazily honest. You are not one to do what I blamed you for, and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that."

Oh! Be still, my erratically beating heart. Guess it's my turn to be all mushy. Here goes nothing. "I'm sorry too. Although blaming me was such a low blow from you, walking away from you was not an heroic move on my end. Loving someone means being there for them even when they are frustrating. Your accusation was really hurtful, but I should have been the rational one. You were hurting and I should have seen that. I shouldn't have placed my anger before you, and I'm so so sorry about that."

He pulled me back into his arms, and I was so sure there's no place I'd rather be. "Guess we have a lot to learn when it comes to this love thing, but I promise to actually pay more attention to all the lessons than I do when it comes to actual school work. But on one condition."

"Keep it PG rated, guys!" I heard my mum yell before I could even get a word in and I mentally face palmed. That woman! Mothers are the bane in the existence of their teenage daughters' lives, and also the spice of their lives too. It's a twisted relationship. You love them and can't do without them, but you'd rather live in a house three streets away from them, provided they come in every morning to cook, clean, and do the laundry.

"Can you at least pretend you aren't eaves dropping?" I yelled back and she groaned, and I could hear her retreating footsteps. Thank Goodness!

"I'm sorry about my embarrassing mother. So, what could that be? Chocolate chip cookies?"

He chuckled slightly and I could feel the rumbling of his chest against mine. Heaven feels so near. "That too. But my first and most important condition is if you'll be willing to be my leaning partner. There's no one I'd rather do this with, Amari. I want this with you and only you. Yes, we might have our differences and we might frustrate each other nine times out of ten, but I want to hold your hand some day in the future and say 'Hey universe, this is my woman.'"

I passed out.

Okay, just kidding. I didn't pass out physically, but I mentally did.

"I'm down for that, Hawthorne. But you have to survive meeting my dad and actually getting his permission first."

Before he could even respond, my mum came out sporting a huge grin. That eavesdropping, XX creature! Thought she was gone!

"Oh, you also have to survive me first. I believe you have a perfectly good explanation for why you've been sweetening up my daughter, right under my roof. You have no fear, young man, no fear at all."

Take me now, Lord.
Take me now!


Author's note.

I intended for this chapter to be longer, but I lost the chapter and I had to start again. Unfortunately, I can't make this book longer cause I have a lot on my hands.





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