Chapter Thirty

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Amaryllis Lexington

"AMARYLLIS!" was all I heard before something, or someone, fell on me. Oliver! I wanted to get mad and shake him off of me, but I missed it too much to even try. Ever since I arrived in Halloway two days ago, I've been waking up to his usual morning antics, but rather than retaliate, I only relished the moments.

However, it was our thing to always argue and banter, so I couldn't let him have a field day so I did exactly what I had in mind. I shot up like a light and he fell off my back, his head hanging over the bed. The image was so hilarious and I had a good laugh for about ten seconds before he lunged at me.

"If you guys wanna kill each other, at least have breakfast. Makes the journey to heaven a lot easier." Mum yelled from downstairs and I shook my head. That woman should really get mother of the year award. When I flew back here, I thought things would be really awkward. I thought they would start acting different around me and I already beat myself up for coming up with the idea, but they proved me wrong. Everyone acted like I never left. Even Oliver who was a little too young to even understand how situations like this work.

"Riley... is to kill me, mum!" Oliver managed to croak out in between smacks from the pillow. Any other kid would have suffered a nose bleed from the amount of times we've whacked each other with pillows, but not Ollie. He has a very hard head, which explains his stubbornness also.

After ten solid minutes of fighting, we both called a truce and we raced ourselves down the stairs. The smell of bacon filled our nostrils and we gave each other the stare before we both ran to the stack of bacon on the table.

"The BACONATOR came through!" We yelled, stuffing our faces with as much bacon as we could, until mum smacked us from behind. My bacon fell out of my mouth from the pain and I groaned.

"Come on, mother. Are you trying to kill your only daughter?" I cried, taking a seat while still trying to get a hold of as much bacon strips as I could.

She rolled her eyes, setting the eggs before us. Whoever says bacon and eggs isn't the best breakfast in the world should get themselves checked at the nearest hospital, because there's definitely something wrong somewhere.

"The princess is up." Dad said in a sing song voice as he walked into the dining room. All the thoughts of bacon disappeared from my mind as I ran into his open arms. His familiar scent and warmth filled me and I almost cried. When I arrived, he was out of town and today will be the first time I'll be seeing him.

As we all sat around the table, I realized just how much I missed this. Although, my real parents were amazing and they showed that they loved me helplessly, I couldn't help but prefer this. Maybe it will take some time to adjust. After all, I spent seventeen years of my life loving every minute of this, and I've barely had three months to settle in with the Lexingtons.

"We'll see you guys soon. Take care of yourselves."

"Don't miss me too much, BuzzyRiley." Dad and Ollie said at the same time as they stood up. Oliver still had two more days of school while Dad had to get to work. The bright side, however, is that I get to spend half of the day with mum before she goes to work and I'll spend the other half with Rose. We made plans to hang out this afternoon.

"Definitely won't, CreepyOllie." I winked and he gave me a stink eye, as much as he could, before they left. Mum had a small smile on her face as she ate her food. It was that smile that reflected just how happy she was to have our family complete again, but also reflected her sadness at the fact that it won't be like this forever.

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