Chapter Twelve

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Amaryllis Lexington

My head bobbed to the sound of Justin Bieber's intentions playing loudly in my ear, as I walked into class. The doctor had my cast taken out when we got back from the hospital because the swelling had gone down. It wasn't even a big deal, but my parents insisted on me getting a cast.

Making you look like a cripple.

The thought of Hawthorne filled my head and a sinister smirk slowly made its way to my lips. My intentions for Hawthorne were the direct contrast of what Justin's were. Maya and Olive had tried to force me to back out of my revenge plan, but I wasn't having it. I actually thought Maya would be on board with the plan, but instead she was vehemently against it. Ugh!

Unfortunately, I didn't share any class with him today, which means I would have to find another way to get close to him so I could steal his car keys. I kept counting down to when it was lunch, and immediately the bell was rung, I limp walked out of class.

"So you're really doing this?" Maya fell into step with him, a disapproving look on her face. I rolled my eyes, placing a call to the chocolate dealer.

"Of course, girl. I can't just let him get away with it." I sighed before placing the phone on my ear. The phone rang for a while, the sound giving me a mild headache, before he picked up.

"We are about ten minutes away, ma'am. We'll have them delivered soon." He said immediately he picked up and I thanked him, then hung up. I rubbed my palms together with excitement. Hawthorne picked the wrongest girl to mess with.

"I'll meet you guys at the table once I get the keys. Don't worry about me." I said, waving the disapproving Maya off. She was giving me that scolding look that made me consider being a good girl and just letting it to, but when I saw the demon boy smiling with his friends, I couldn't stand it.

The whole cafeteria slowly went silent as I walked over to their table. I guess people don't do that, but whatever. The angel looking demon looked up at me and a small smirk made its way up his face. Have you ever being in that state where you really hate the guts of someone but you literally just can't stand how handsome they are?

The way those grey eyeballs skimmed over me, till they reached my legs and the smile on his face made me shake my head. Don't be such a creep, Amari. This is the enemy, remember? The dude you want to tear apart limb from limb? The one who tried to kill you? Good!

"To what do I owe this unwanted visit?" was the first thing he greeted me with and I smirked. I walked over to him, picked up an empty chair from the table behind them, and placed it beside him.

"Actually, the word should be pleasure, or don't you think so?" I retorted and he was about to reply, but I raised one hand in a motion to silence him, and that caused his eyes to widen with surprise.

"Hello, Demon's friends. It's nice to meet all of you. I've heard a lot about you guys. My name is Amaryllis Lexington." I gave a sickly sweet smile, staring into the familiar faces of these gorgeous species. The one who almost made me fall over on my chair was the korean dude. He looked GORGEOUS!!!!

"I wish we could say the same." One of them said, a devilish smirk on his face, and I recognize him as Jayden McCurtny, Maya's partner. Nasty attitude. Little wonder poor Maya almost had a heart attack.

"If it helps, I haven't heard any good thing about you guys too, so we're even." I grinned, causing all of them to share glances. I was searching the table for Carlson's car keys, but I found about three keys quite close to each other. I ruled out one of the keys that had a Toyota logo, because this crazy dude uses a Benz, same as the person with the other key.

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