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Amaryllis Lexington

"Just when I thought I'd get all my work done today." He groaned, but the smile on his face was a clear indication that he was very glad about this distraction. The boys flopped on the couch just a few feet away from his table, occupying all the space, and I was left standing like a sore thumb. I glared at them before walking towards the chairs facing Carlson.

Be still, my heart. Just act like you used to. If my heart heard my advice, it didn't show. It kept thumping as I got closer to him, and the heavenly smirk on his face didn't help my cause either.

"Mr. Hawthorne, may I?" I gestured to the seat, speaking in a high pitched voice all in an attempt to imitate a business woman. Trust me, that didn't go down well.

"No, you may not. You don't seat until it comes from my own volition." I made a disgusted face as I flopped onto the chair, in a totally unladylike manner.

"So, pray tell, just how much did you pay the boys so they could bring you over here?" He asked, a wicked smirk on his face. Seriously? He thought I asked to be here? If only this dude knew I had a well crafted plan in my head on how to avoid him till I could get my overhyped emotions under control.

"What makes you think I asked them? Is this your way of trying to deny the fact you begged them to bring me here, because you missed me so much and you were dying to see me?"

He relaxed back on his chair, his eyes not leaving my face. "I'd love to say you have me all figured out, but you're wrong. I was clearly surprised when you walked in here."

Before I could even say anything, Alex cut in, "Can you guys just stop this couple fight and be happy that you are both together now? You should be thankful that we put you both out of your miseries." Together, Carlson and I shot him a glare and he raised his hands in a mock surrender.

"Good." We said together. I was about to jinx him when I saw that he was smiling at me. It was a smile that made me feel like I was a few steps away from heaven's door, and I could hear the angels singing Hallelujah in perfect symphony.

"Who's hungry?" Jayden spoke up, breaking our moment and I was torn between thanking him for making things less awkward or shoving his head up his rectum. After careful deliberation, I decided not to do any of that and just join the group raising up their hands.

"Let's go grab some pizza, boys. Amari, you hang out here and keep this workaholic company." Say. What. Now? They are gonna leave me alone with him? Ooooouuuu, me likey cause I'm baddyyy.

David grunted, "Come on, guys. Can't I just wait here while you guys go. I really want to take a nap and this couch is really comfortable." Jayden gave him a very weird staredown that made him rise to his feet almost immediately. Hmm, I see what's going on here.

"Ohhh. I get it. I get it." David said, making a goofy face at us, as they pushed him out the door. I'm starting to believe the only two things he can do effectively is charming unsuspecting girls and creeping people out.

"Is it just me or are your friends trying to play cupid?" I said once we were alone and Carlson smirked, a weird glint in his eyes.

"Do you mind? Cause I don't. I love them and all, but I've been hoping they would get the gist and get out." Oh-ka-yyyy? I didn't see that one coming.

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