Chapter Twenty

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Amaryllis Lexington

"I had no idea you would be coming." I said after I got over my winking fantasies and he shrugged, pulling out his phone and airpods.

"I didn't want to, then I realized someone would be really sad and lonely if I didn't. I'm very considerate." Yeah, right. At least he wasn't mad at me and that made me really relieved. I hated apologies, either receiving them or offering them.

"Whoever that is must have a pretty difficult life. How can someone's option of companionship be you? Tragic." I knew he was referring to me, but I wouldn't be Amaryllis if I let that slide. He turned to face me, one of his brows raised. How could he do that so flawlessly? Sometimes, I still raise both brows in an attempt to raise one and I always end up looking like a joke.

"Hmm. Pray tell who you would have talked to on this camping trip. Maya who hates you? Allison who wants a truck to run you over? Maya's friends who stopped talking to you as soon as Maya ordered them to? Let's face it, darling, I'm your only option." The fact that he was actually right made angry and sad. Back in Halloway, I had my circle and I kept it as tight as possible. I was never in a situation where I wouldn't have anyone to talk to even if Rosa and Jade weren't in attendance.

"I happen to have my own friends, you know? Thank God for technology. I can call or facetime my friends wherever I get lonely." Good defence, Amaryllis. Sometimes you say reasonable stuff. He smiled, moving closer to me in a very disturbing manner.

"Amaryllis, physical contact beats any other form of communication any time and day. Some days, you don't need a friend because you want to talk but because you just want to be able to feel them around you." His voice was low and thick and it did bad things to my brain. I wanted to say something but nothing came out of my mouth.

"So, tell me, Amaryllis. Who would you have hung out with?" Finally regaining a little bit of my common sense, I pushed him away from me just enough to get some breathing and thinking space.

"I would have found someone. Your friends and I were starting to get really familiar with one another, you know. I managed to find out you guys are alike in a lot of ways, especially in the sensibility aspect. Y'all fall short." I said, sticking out my tongue and the idiot tried to pinch it again! What's it with pinching people's tongues?

"Yeah right. You can only hang out with my friends because they are my friends. You can't seem to take me away from the equation." I wonder how his head fits into his shirt with that size of ego. I was about to say something when his Korean friend cut in from behind. Rude much?

"Carl, who do you think Jennifer would go out with between David and I?" Seriously? Boys ask themselves this? Soon enough, all the boys had their heads in our space, trying to hold on to every word that fell from Carlson's mouth.

"Really, Lee? We both know it's David. This idiot has a way of getting all the girls." Carlson said and slapped the friend sitting on our row at the back of the head, and I assumed he was David. Who, in their right mind, would go out with him? I mean, he's gorgeous and all, but he has nothing but bubbles in his head.

"Actually, I think you're a little late to the party. I took her out on a date last night." David smirked and Lee collapsed in his chair, mock pain evident on his face. It was actually fun to watch how carefree their lives were as they all laughed at the misery of their friends. I found myself, once again, comparing boys' friendships with girls. Best believe, you won't see the light of day should you dare to go on a date with a boy your friend likes. All I did was offer Carlson a hug and I lost a sister.  What travesty!

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