Chapter Twenty-Five

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Amaryllis Lexington

It's been two weeks since we came back from the camp. Two weeks since Carlson let me in on the dark side of his life, and I had to say, our friendship had improved. I mean, we still bicker and argue like out lives depend on it, but I had finally come to a point of acceptance. A point where I no longer argued with my subconscious when it yells at me in the face, telling me to face the fact that I had a huge crush on the most beautiful boy I have ever seen.

Rose's screams when I finally admitted my feelings still reverberate on my ears as though it was yesterday. Well, it was actually yesterday. Luckily today was a Saturday, and I don't have to see Carlson till Monday because I had no idea how to handle seeing him when I just declared my undying, (it would have to die if he doesn't feel the same way), affection just less than twenty four hours ago.

I turned to stare at the clock on my bedside lamp and I realized I slept in. A LOT. I spent roughly four hours on the phone with Rosa and Jade yesterday and I finally got around to sleeping around five in the morning. Realizing that what I need the most at this point is food and not a daydream about my new crush on a boy that probably just sees me as a good friend, I jumped out of bed and headed straight to the kitchen.

I wasn't expecting to find anyone at home because mum and Dad had to travel very early in the morning, Maya went for a sleepover in Olive's house yesterday (Thank God for that), and Allison would have probably found somewhere to go.

On entering the kitchen, I realized my speculation was wrong because there was Allison, mixing dough with her hair tied up in a messy bun. For a minute, she looked like a carefree and happy teenager, and not the devil's assistant that I had come to . . . like? When her eyes zoned on me, she raised her brow with a smirk.

"Look who's finally awake. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you went to a party overnight. But then, you don't have any semblance of a social life." Now, that's the right way to say good morning where I come from. This girl is on fire!

"I'm too precious to associate myself with people who don't know my worth. You should learn from me, sis. Priceless jewels can't be found just anywhere." I smirked and walked to the fridge to grab a box jar of orange juice.

"Is there any food in this house? I'm starving so bad, I could eat a horse." I grumbled and she shrugged. "I'd offer you some of these cookies, but I haven't poisoned them yet." That sounds like something straight of Maya's handbook. I could swear that girl has been plotting my murder ever since we came back from the camp.

"You know you don't want me dead, Ally. Like it or not, you are very into me." Okay, that came out extremely wrong and creepy. Her face scrunched up in disgust and a cheery laughter escaped her mouth.

"Girl, please. You don't want to imagine the number of times I've picked out outfits for your funeral in my mind. That's if I decide to attend, by the way." Uh-oh

Before I could respond, the oven dinged and she pulled out a tray filled with the best looking chocolate chip cookies in the world. My mouth watered and my stomach growled. Boy, I would eat that even if it was laced with a hundred tablespoons of poison.

"You can look, but you can't touch." Her voice had a deadly warning undertone that made my plans to grab a handful of it and run away, die before it even hatched.

She inserted another batch of cookies into the oven, then went ahead to start mixing a new dough in preparation for another batch. Why so much cookies when you won't even spare a dying lady one?

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