Chapter Eleven

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Amaryllis Lexington

With a smile on my face, I pocketed my phone after dropping the call. I just spent a solid two hours catching up with the Buttons, and my day was already made. School yesterday was horrible as usual, but fortunately I didn't see much of Carlson after the whole clinic incident.

Mum and Dad were shocked to find me limping into the house. They went ballistic and almost called an ambulance to come get me. Fortunately, I was able to convince them not to, but that didn't stop them from getting a doctor to come check me. He placed my leg in a cast and told me to stay off school for a day. I've been bored because I was waiting for Maya to come back from school.

"Amaryllis, do you want anything to eat?" Sarah, one of the maids I have become acquainted with, said poking her head in through a tiny space.

"No, thank you. I'm fine." I smiled and she nodded and walked away. I sighed and placed my head on the pillow, thinking about nothing in particular. I picked up my phone to watch some sappy videos on Tik-Tok and curse my fate for not having such relationship goals, but luckily a knock on my door saved me from that sweet misery.

The door opened and Maya walked in, with Olive trailing behind her and a huge smile appeared on my face.

"Oh thank Goodness! I have been so bored." I cried out and Maya chuckled as she walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. Olive did the same too.

"How was school?"

"I wish I had a twisted ankle too, just so I could stay off for like a year and still get my certificate." Olive sighed sadly and I laughed. I asked after the third musketeer, but I was told she went to see her Ob/Gyn. I never asked about the details of her pregnancy or who the father is because we were not that close yet, and it wasn't in my place to start digging around for information.

"Me too! School was so horrible, but it was much better than yesterday's." She shuddered slightly and I knew it was because she shared only one class with Carlson. I wanted to figure out why she didn't like the guy so much, not like he was likeable anyway. Any hope of friendship between us was killed after he tried to murder me in cold blood yesterday.

"Girl, you really need to let this anger go. I bet he doesn't even know you fume so much when you talk about him." Olive sighed and I almost patted her head. Hating someone could be so stressful, especially if the person you hate has no idea. Carlson and his friends barely ever even spare Maya a glance in any situation.

"What? I let it go already. I'm not mad at them, I just don't want Amari to fall into their trap, which is why I keep emphasizing on how evil they are." Maya lied and Olive gave her the 'yeah, sure' look.

"Care to tell me what happened between you guys? Did you guys go through a bad breakup or something?" I asked and Maya's face turned into the colour of a fire truck. Woah, I never would have guessed it in a million years. I only suggested that as a joke.

"No! Nothing of such happened!" She said, her voice rising in higher octaves. A tell tale of denial.

"Then what happened? If you don't tell me, how would I know what to avoid so I won't fall into their trap" I sighed and she stared at me, then at Olive who nodded, then at me again. I knew she was about to talk, and all the stupid me could think about was how much I wished I had popcorn at that moment. How my brain manages to turn every serious moment into a joke was a cause for concern.

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