Chapter Twenty-One

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Amaryllis Lexington

After what felt like ten hours of travelling, just kidding we just hit the two hour mark, the teacher declared a short break. The tour bus parked in front of a nice huge mall and I could feel my food hormones raging.

"Ah, finally. I can feed the raging monster in my belly." I said to myself, but unfortunately it was a little too loud and it was heard by an unwanted seat partner.

"Shouldn't you cut down on the food? You look like you have a second chin coming up." Ignoring him is literally the best way to avoid jumping him again, so that's exactly what I did. I walked past him without even looking backwards.

When I was finally out of the bus, I raised my hands to inhale the sweet smell of fresh air. A lot of people were out taking pictures of the scenery and snapping with their friends. As though the universe wanted to shove my lack of company in my face, I caught the sight of Maya and her friends laughing about something and taking pictures.

Kayla's eyes caught mine and she gave me a sad smile. I almost felt bad for her because I knew she had nothing against me but was being forced to not talk to me, but I couldn't. I doubt I would ever do that to a person. Rather, I'll talk some sense into my friend and have her realize that you can't suddenly become enemies with your sister because she hugged someone who's not your boyfriend.

I decided to ignore them and get myself some food. I walked into the store and was momentarily confused on where to head to, then I saw some people coming from a direction carrying take-out bags, so I went in that direction, and voila, a very nice restaurant!

I walked in and saw the boys seated round a table, not too far from the entrance. How did they get here so fast? I was tempted to walk towards them but I decided to sit alone. They didn't invite me anyways, and Carlson might tease me to death about not being able to stay away from him.

I looked away from them and walked towards an empty seat at the far end of the restaurant. I was just about to take my seat and have a nice chat with my imaginary friends when someone tapped me from behind. I turned to find David smiling like a good person. Imagine!

"Hey, why don't you sit with us? I'm sure you will be bored out of your mind if you sit alone." David invited and I all but jumped at the offer. You saved meeeeeeeee, sweet Daveyyy!

"That doesn't mean we are friends. I still don't like you." He rewarded my snarky comment with a wink. It's like everything sounds like a perverted statement to this young man and I just couldn't understand what went wrong during the time of his birth, that caused him to turn out like this.

"So, have you any friends who are as cute as you? I would have gone for you but I have a reason to believe you already have eyes for someone." I halted in my tracks. Not because I was alarmed that he just tried to make a pass at me, although I was, but because he just implied that I liked someone.

"Pray tell who that non existent someone would be." He shrugged. Unfortunately, we had gotten to the table and he quickly jumped into a conversation with his friends.

I wasn't a fool. I knew who exactly he meant by that someone and the fact that I had done some things or acted some way around Hawthorne that could be translated into having eyes for him made me want to jump off a cliff and end my life.

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