Two weeks leave 🇬🇧 (3)

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How the fuck do I only have two more days left well technically speaking only one since I have to leave tomorrow morning. The past eight days have gone by way to fucking fast for my liking and that's down to the beautiful blonde who's fast asleep on my chest. From the moment we agreed to 'having some fun' we've fucked more times than I can count I even pathetically sit up waiting for her to finish her shift or if the off chance I do fall asleep I'll wake up to her mouth wrapped around my dick she's fucking insatiable I'm telling you. We said that this would be a casual thing just a little fun but the thought of leaving and not seeing her again makes me feel sick to my stomach but what the fuck can I do. Even if I have changed my mind and would want to try something more she isn't ready for that and after everything she has been through I can't even blame her. The time I've spent with her though have been nothing less than perfect she's honestly something else I just can't seem to ever get enough of her. She's opened up a lot over the past few days and honestly I feel so fucking lucky that after all the shit that prick put her through she trusts me enough to let me in and do what we are doing.

I would honestly love to run into this kid though he wouldn't have a leg to stand on by the time I finished with him for everything he did to Jo making her feel like she wasn't the most beautiful woman in the world he should have spent every single fucking day worshiping the ground this woman walked on but instead made her feel worthless the fucking wanker, he had no idea how lucky he was to have her I only wish I could have what he had I would spend every single day making sure she knew how special she is. It didn't take long at all for me to realise that I wanted more to come from this than just having fun the amount of times I've actually had to stop myself from telling her this is fucking ridiculous not wanting to ruin what little time I have with her.

Knowing that tonight is my last night with her I have to make sure I soak up every single detail and just hope I'll get a chance to see her again. I haven't got to spend as much time as I would have liked with Mercy she's been working a lot and since she accidently walked in on me and Jo in a compromising position in the shower the other day she's been staying at the mysterious boyfriends place which truth be told doesn't bother me as much as it usually would because it means I get Jo all to myself with no interruptions. Since I'll be leaving here in the morning all four of us are going out for food she's made me promise to be on my best behaviour meeting her boyfriend for the first time and not scare the shit out of him like I have with her past boyfriends Jo has told me he's a great lad so I guess we'll just have to see, as long as he doesn't hurt my sister he'll be safe. Josephine has been taking forever getting ready in the bathroom I must have shouted her at least four times I'm bored out of my fucking head and we are supposed to be at the restaurant in like thirty minutes.

"Fuck me babe what the fuck you trying to do to me..." I whisper in her ear coming up behind her she looks fucking unreal in a purple velvet dress with a slit right down the front showing her beautiful tanned legs.

"Don't even try it Mr you've been moaning about leaving for the past twenty minutes." She smirks as her perfect grey/blue eyes find my hungry green ones in the mirror.

"What's an extra five minutes..." I say biting my bottom lip, spinning her around to face me her hands gripping at the sink behind her. I instinctively step closer nudging her legs open with my own and stepping between them. "You know you want this just as much as me love." I bend down whispering into her ear before my teeth gently nip at the skin just below her earlobe.

Not waiting for her response I grab her waist and lift her up placing her on the edge of the sink. "I only need five minutes to make you feel good then we can go yeah." I murmur bending down and capturing her mouth with mine, her hands going straight for my hair.

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