Hero_ft wants to send you a message 🤪😘 (3)

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It isn't the best waking up with a horrific hangover and the room spinning but at least drunk me thought ahead and left a glass of water and Advil next to the bed obviously knowing I'd wake up dehydrated with what feels like a freaking marching band going off in my head... why the hell did I drink so much. As drunk as I was last night I remember everything that was said between me and Hero, I thought I would wake up embarrassed but that's not the case at all I'm actually glad I dropped hints about how I feel and going off his replies it seems he may feel the same. Once again he proved how great he actually is when he refused to come over when I asked him too he just said he didn't want me to be drunk the first time we meet up in person any other man wouldn't have cared but of course Hero did. Grabbing my phone I check instagram and my heart starts pounding out of my chest...

Hero_ft started following you 9 hours ago

Hero_ft liked your photo 9 hours ago

He's so sneaky this boy he waited for me to be drunk and asleep to start following me knowing I said not to because I didn't want my friends freaking out and especially his fans but of course he didn't listen. I must still be drunk though because instead of being pissed off I'm smiling like an idiot, putting my phone down I grab a shower and make myself look and feel half human again before giving him a message. I'm hoping Hero isn't busy this morning and we can arrange something before the girls emerge from their rooms, usually after a night out they won't show their faces until at least 1pm if not later so fingers crossed I can sneak out without having to explain myself.

So you wait until I'm drunk and asleep to follow and like my picture huh 😜 ?xxx

Mr Hot Shot🤪:
You said it was okay bloody hell woman how drunk were you 😝🤣xxx

Nice try Mr Hot Shot xxx

Mr Hot Shot🤪:
I swear... do you not remember declaring your undying love for me and telling me to follow you ??xxx

You wish I simply said how you calling me beautiful gave me butterflies 😜and asked you to come over which you declined xxx

Mr Hot Shot🤪:
Worth a try 😉😅 soo you going to meet me today then?xxx

Oh so you want to see me today even though you didn't last night ?xxx

Mr Hot Shot🤪:
Oh shut up I wanted to last night but you were drunk xxx

Clearly not that drunk ☺️... so you busy now?xxx

Mr Hot Shot🤪:
Eager... I like it 😜😘 yeah I'm free for the next three days until filming starts xxx

The girls shouldn't show their faces until later so if we meet up now I won't have to explain where I'm going 😅 soo where we meeting up?xxx

Mr Hot Shot🤪:
Well since you don't want to be seen in public with me 💔how about you come here? xxx

Yeah okay send me the address xxx

I sneak out of my room with the camera Hero got for me and seeing the living area empty thank god... I write a quick note to the girls saying I've gone on a drive to explore and get rid of this hangover. Grabbing the keys to the rental I head out making my way to see him, we've been getting to know each other with calls, facetimes and messaging for weeks so I have no clue why I'm so fucking nervous...

Maybe because you like him more than a friend and want more out of this meeting my subconscious reminds me, piss off.

Walking up to his suite I can't believe how freaking fancy this place is this is way out of my league but before I have too much time to overthink it the door swings open and the beautiful green eyed giant that is Hero practically knocks me out wrapping his arms around me, man he smells good.

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