Two weeks leave 🇬🇧

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Five years I have spent dedicating my life to serve my country in The Royal Anglian Regiment and there is nothing else I would rather be doing I love what I do and have the upmost respect for the men and woman that I serve with. The past three months my regiment has been undergoing pre-deployment training before we deploy out to Afghanistan for our six month tour this will actually be my fourth tour but first as Sergeant. It's been an intense three months of training going over the skills and drills that we will need specifically for the operation but thankfully we have two weeks leave before we come back and head out so here I am currently flying over to Perth to surprise my twin sister Mercy. Growing up we were both inseparable we did almost everything together she was and still is my best friend but she doesn't shy away from the fact that she hates me being in the armed forces even though it's what I was made to do. It took her a long time to get her head around it especially considering we went from seeing each other daily to maybe twice a year if we were lucky which is really hard sometimes but we manage to facetime and message as much as we can. Mercy recently graduated from university where she has been studying to be a nurse for the past five years and I couldn't be any prouder I was shocked as hell almost a year ago when I got a letter from her saying she decided to pack up her shit and move to Australia it's something we always talked about as little kids but I never thought any of us would ever actually do it but my younger by sixteen minutes sister got offered a job in a hospital in her dream country and went for it, good for her.

I decided that I would head straight to the hospital to surprise Merc but man I tell you what stepping off the plane in full kit it felt like the sun was literally attacking me I honestly thought I was going to fucking pass out from the heat thankfully though the hospital has air conditioning. Not having a fucking clue what floor or department my sister is even working on I head straight to the main reception desk and explain how I'm here to surprise my sister after a year in which the kind old lady behind the desk with the biggest smile on her face gave me directions and thanking me for my service. Walking up to the neonatology department it doesn't take me long at all to spot my sister standing there with a clipboard in her hand wearing a set of pink scrubs looking all professional, I'm so glad we both achieved our dreams. She hasn't noticed me yet she's too busy talking to the beautiful blonde girl in matching scrubs.

"And here's me thinking you hated the colour pink..." I say loud enough as I walk towards her with the biggest smile on my face the clipboard instantly drops on the floor as she whips her head around the minute she realises I'm stood in front of her she breaks down in tears and runs over jumping into my arms almost knocking us both to the floor.

"What the fuck.... How are you here right now?" she sobs into my neck.

"I have two weeks leave before my tour starts..." I say wrapping my arms around her.

"T-two weeks you're going to be here for two weeks?" she cries.

"Yeah two whole weeks you got me for kid... you'll be pushing my ass back on that plane by the end of it." I laugh.

"I'll probably be trying to send you back tomorrow." She laughs finally getting over the shock. "God it's so good to see you H I've missed you so much." She says finally getting down from my grip.

"It's good to see you too sis." I say kissing her head. "Right you're working I just wanted to see you before I go check into a hotel and get showered and out this kit but I will meet you back here after your shift yeah? How the fuck you cope in this heat I have no clue." I huff.

"Are you joking... don't waste your time at a hotel stay with us." She smiles... us, who the fuck is us? "I live with my friend Josephine she works here too... Jo come here a sec." she says looking back at the beautiful blonde.

"Everything okay?" she says walking over to us, fuck her eyes are amazing.

"This is my twin Hero the asshole decided to surprise me before he leaves on tour for six months would you be cool if he stays with us for a couple weeks?" my sister says.

"Oh my god yeah of course I've heard so much about you." She smiles shaking my hand her accent is fucking hot it seems like hours pass by as both of us stare into each other's eyes still shaking hands none of us seem to be able to look away until Mercy clears her throat breaking the trance.

Yeah nice one Merc.

"Okay.... Well anyway I've only just started my shift I'm on a night shift tonight but will be back early in the morning here's my key just grab an uber Jo here should be back in a couple of hours Just put your shit in my room it's the one opposite the bathroom you'll be staying on the couch but take my bed tonight." She smiles hugging me once more before her supervisor shouts her over.


I cannot sleep for shit this heat is fucking ridiculous I've been tossing and turning in Mercy's bed for fucking hours now you would think after months of sleeping in the barracks on them shitty bunks I'd be flat out but clearly not. It doesn't help that Mercy said that beautiful friend of hers would be back but I haven't heard her come in yet. Nah fuck this shit I need to go for a run hopefully then I might get some sleep, putting my shorts and trainers on I head out their apartment putting my airpods in.

I hadn't realised how long I'd actually been running for until my phone started beeping with low battery interrupting stormzy blaring down my ears it's been two hours and is now 1am at least I'm keeping my fitness up I guess. Mercy's place is dark and quiet when I get back so clearly Josephine still isn't back yet I wonder what she's doing Mercy said her shift finished hours ago... I'm leaning against the fridge my shirt drenched in sweat gulping down a bottle of water when someone clears their throat making me fucking jump out of my skin like a little bitch.

"Shit I didn't mean to scare you I was just grabbing some water." she says in her sexy as fuck accent moving around me grabbing a bottle trying to hold in her laughter.

"No worries I didn't wake you did I?" I ask moving out her way.

"No no I've not long got home actually." She smiles, fuck she's stunning.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out this late? With your boyfriend?" I ask wanting to know if she's available.

"Ha no I don't have a boyfriend I was actually at the gym." She smirks taking a gulp of her water.

"Good to know." I grin biting my bottom lip and nervously looking at the floor.

What the fuck is this girl doing to me....

"That I don't have a boyfriend or that I go to the gym?" she laughs.

"Both..." I wink taking my sweat covered T-shirt off and walking past her to the bathroom.

I'm playing with fire here Mercy is probably going skin me alive if she finds out I was just flirting with not only her friend but the person she fucking lives with but I can't help it there is something about this girl. I knew she was attractive when I first seen her stood with Mercy in the hospital then her walking into the kitchen in those mini blue shorts showing her perfect smooth tanned legs did not help one bit. I've never let a girl get to me this way I've always focussed on my career nothing more yet twelve hours in and this girl is all I can think about what the actual fuck is going on here. For the first time in well forever I fall asleep not thinking about drills but thinking about the Australian beauty in the room next me, pretty girl.

Okay so this happened🤷‍♀️... I haven't done one for a while so figured I would do a short story again and out of all my drafts this kept writing itself so here we are😊 (Sorry but the idea of H as a solider just hits different don't you think🤤😜 ?) Not 100% sure about the title yet that may change but vote and comment let me know what you think 🙏💙

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