Best Friends👫

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A lot of people say that you can't be friends with the opposite sex without an attraction being there but that is just bullshit considering my best friend of ten years is a girl. I was just seven years old with a mop of hair covering my face when I first met Jo, her family moved here from Australia ten years ago into the house next door and it didn't take long for the pair of us to become inseparable. I can't remember over the years ever having more than a day away from each other especially considering our parents are very close so we all even go on holiday together it's fucking great. It's mostly just me and Jo but we do have the same friend group it's mainly just guys Jo and Elle them being the only girls in our little group but they don't seem to care. Over the years we have gotten so much shit from our friends and even family thinking there is more to me and her than just friendship because of how we are but honestly it's just laughable she's my best friend nothing more.

There is three months difference between me and Jo and we both turn eighteen this year, Jo's birthday being in two months and mine in five. We always made a pact to go travelling together as soon as we both hit the big one, eight but the past couple of weeks things have been off between us for the first time since we met. None of us have ever really gotten into relationships over the years which is another reason everyone assumes we are something more but the past few weeks I started seeing a girl, Casey and let's just say she doesn't like my friendship with Jo at all especially after coming over to my house for the first time and seeing my bedroom wall covered top to bottom in photos of me and Jo and then Jo just casually walking into my room without knocking as we were in a heated kiss. After that Casey seen red and told me if I wanted to be with her I had to stop spending all my time with Jo and me being the asshole I am agreed making excuses and lying to my best friend every time she tried to make plans with me or come over. I know I'm an idiot they say never pick a girlfriend/boyfriend over your friends and honestly I have no clue why I am I miss Jo so much we've never had this much time apart it's fucking shit but if I want to keep my relationship this is how it has to be I guess.

Things in our group have been awkward as fuck the past week or so Jo is never there when I show my face which is never alone Casey is always with me and my mates really don't like her at all especially Elle who always makes sure to tell me how much of a dick I am for making Jo feel like she can't be around if we are. I don't need Elle or anyone else telling me this though because I already know that I've basically just shit on my ten year friendship with my best friend for a girl I barley know and even slowly losing my other mates too considering they don't want to be around Casey and she never wants to be away from me. Casey has been blowing my phone up for the past hour she's so pissed at me for not being able to spend time with her tonight because my parents want a family night and said she can't come over it's safe to say my mum isn't a fan either never missing an opportunity to tell me she misses seeing Jo walk through the door.

You're not the only one mum.

I'm sat in my room replying to another one of Casey's long ass messages complaining about her sister robbing her make-up or some shit I honestly don't know, Casey is hot as hell but she's also dull as fuck I miss having proper conversations and bantering back and forth like I could with Jo. I tried to mess around with Casey once when I was really missing mine and Jo's banter but she literally cried like a baby proving she can't take a joke then refused to talk to me the rest of the night leaving me sat on her floor wondering what Jo and the guys were up to. Just as another message comes through I hear the front door open and Liz' voice boom through the house letting mum know they are here, what the fuck I thought this was just a family night. I can't help the excitement of seeing Jo surge through me running straight down stairs only to see she's not there it's just Liz, Stephen and Kath a frown taking over my face as they all stare at me.

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