Jealousy... 😟😳

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I can't believe we are back filming the second film after we collided is actually happening I still can't believe that I auditioned for Molly and ended up landing the lead roll it blows my mind. I love everyone involved in this, cast and crew Anna and I have become very good friends especially since I moved to LA and don't live far from her and her gorgeous little family. I haven't seen Hero for a few months now but during filming for the first movie things took a turn in our friendship early on and we ended up hooking up all throughout filming. Once filming wrapped we decided that we would remain friends knowing a relationship couldn't work with the distance and our busy schedules we did hook up a few times if he was in LA but it wasn't much. When we first left Atlanta we spoke daily but it gradually stopped and now here we again back where it all started. It would be a lie if I said I didn't check what he was up to now and again... you can't hook up with someone every single night for weeks and not catch any sort of feelings for them but seeing how much he didn't seem to give a shit I decided to take a leaf out of his book.

Today is the day I'll be seeing him again for the first time in months and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous in fact I'm shitting myself to be perfectly honest. I don't know what will happen this time around if we'll resume our little hook up agreement or leave it but one thing I'm sure of is I won't be the one to bring it up. I'm checking in to the hotel when I'm practically tackled to the floor.

"Joooo, I've missed you," Shane shouts down my ear giving me a bear hug.

"I've missed you too Shane, but I only seen you two weeks ago," I say playfully pushing him back.

"It's two weeks to long Josephine," he says letting me go winking. One thing about me and Shane we are very flirty but nothing will ever happen he's my on and off-screen best friend. Once I get my key card Shane grabs my case and puts his arm around me leading me to the elevator.

"Come on ill help you unpack and then we'll grab a drink and wait for everyone else," he says kissing the top of my head.

I was so shocked when I got the lead role for After and I was more shocked when I realised how big it actually was I must have lived under a rock because I had no idea about it but here I am in Atlanta ready to film the second movie. Atlanta and the cast and crew have become a home away from home for me everyone is so close. During interviews actors tend to say that the cast and crew are very close even if they aren't but we all actually are it feels like a family to me we do everything together some more than others, me and Jo to example. Jo and I started hooking up straight away spending every night together but then at the end of filming decided that a relationship just wouldn't work between us with our busy schedules and the distance between us so I went back to London and she went back to Perth well that's what I thought anyway until I learned she'd actually moved to LA close to Anna. I've never had a girlfriend in my life and I wasn't ready for my first ever relationship to be a long distance one but fuck did I miss her we spent every single night together during filming so going from that to sleeping alone was completely shit. We did meet up a few times if I was in LA for work or seeing Evan then I would end up staying at her apartment but as the months went on the hook ups and messages gradually stopped.

Now that we are here for the next few weeks to film after we collided I have no fucking clue what is going to happen between us since we haven't even acknowledged each other in months. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see her so when I walked into the hotel my face lit up seeing her golden hair at the reception desk but that quickly faded as Shane grabbed her case and put his arm around her kissing her head as they walked to the lift... what the fuck are they a thing now? Surly she wouldn't do that, would she? I'm broken out of my heavy glaring by Anna.

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