December Part One 🎄💖

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Josephine's pov -
I can't beleive the year is almost over this year has been absolutly amazing for me After came out and everyone went crazy for it. We've already wrapped filming for After we collided and I also wrapped another movie called Moxie. I honestly feel so lucky I have an amazing career, amazing friends and the perfect boyfriend. Me and Hero have been 'secretly' dating since last year it all started during the filming of the first film and when we say secret all the fans are convinced we are together which they are right about but we still want to keep it between us for now and enjoy it and not have to deal with endless fake stories and people wanting the ins and outs of everything. I am a very private person we both are really I literally never post anything online I just want to enjoy my life yes I get pictures for memories but I don't feel the need to post them for the world to see. Hero uses his socials occasionally mainly to promote his friends work which is so lovely. It's Christmas in a couple of weeks and I'm flying home to Perth next week so Hero is flying to LA tonight for us to spend a few nights together before I leave. I can't wait to see him to be honest this whole distance shit is hard on the pair of us but we really do appreciate the time we get together. We both chose the lives we have and let's face it we wouldn't have each other without doing what we do.

I've cleaned all the apartment and ordered us some Chinese which has been delivered and is ready for when Hero arrives he landed an hour ago so he should be here soon. He already has a key to my place so I head straight upstairs to the bedroom, I bought a sexy red lingerie set that I know hell go crazy for so I put that on with my red silk nightgown, we haven't seen each other for two months and I have been going crazy without him I need him, all of him. I hear keys jingle in the door and within seconds I can hear footsteps running up my stairs.

"babe, you here?" he shouts opening the door and I literally run over jumping on him wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Well that's a very warm welcome," he laughs kissing me moving us towards the bed. He moves a strand of my hair away from my face and stares at me.

"Fuck I missed you so much beautiful," I smile down at him before letting go of him and pushing him onto the bed.

"I missed you too baby, and I'll show you just how much,"

Hero's pov -
She's just pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me telling me telling me she's missed me and that she'll show me just how much she bends down kissing me so slow and passionately before suddenly sitting up and slipping her dressing gown off.

"Fuuuccckkk," my eyes are practically popping out of their sockets at the sight of her in a sexy red lace lingerie set this girl is going to be the fucking death of me I swear. I'm hard as fucking rock and we haven't even done anything yet this is what she does to me I'm so turned on right now and clearly she is too. She's taking the lead here quickly discarding my t-shirt. She starts trailing kisses from my jawline down my neck sucking my neck making sure to leave a mark then licks over it. She starts kissing down my chest getting lower and lower until she reaches my joggers, she starts palming me slowly teasing me.

"Babe, two fucking months, stop teasing me!" she just laughs and continues teasing. I know what she's doing shes waiting for me to take control and who am I to disappoint. I grab her arms and flip us over so she's under me kissing her hard she moans into my mouth. I waste no time before trailing my hands down and slipping my hands into her thong causing her to instantly sucks in a breath.

"Always so wet," I whisper in her ear cashing her to moan again slowly I rub circles around her sensitive spot, teasing her slipping my finger in and out not actually giving her what she wants.

"Herooo, please," she begs I can't help but smirk I love having the upper hand. I slowly start pumping my fingers in and out and the moans coming from her mouth and making my already hard dick throb even more I don't even want to waste more time with foreplay I've gone two fucking months without being inside her.

"Your still taking your pill yeah?" I can't help but ask we both hate using condoms the barrier is shit and there's nothing better than feeling her skin on skin.

"Yeah obviously," she says rolling her eyes, wasting no time at all I quickly pull my joggers down and slowly move into her as we both let out a moan simultaneously. She feels fucking amazing, we always have great sex but it's always better when we go longer periods without seeing each other. I start moving in and out of her slowly and kissing all down her neck whilst massaging her breasts.

"Oh. My. God. Hero." hearing her moan my name turns me on so much more. I grab her legs and put them over my shoulders slamming into her whilst massaging both her breasts, her eyes roll to the back of her head and I know shes close I keep slamming into her until her legs buckle and she screaming my name, I follow straight after, falling down onto her chest out of breath.

Josephine's pov -
Were still in the same position he's on top of me still both sweaty as I stroke his damp hair massaging his scalp. I love just lying with him, he means the absolute world to me and the time we have together I don't take for granted.

"I missed you so much," I whisper to him I can feel him smile against my chest.

"I missed you so much babe, I hate that we can't be together all the time." Suddenly he sits up with his thighs wrapped around both my sides and cups my cheeks kissing me so tenderly it gives me butterflies.

"I love you so much Jo," and just like that I can't help the huge smile covering my face.

"I love you too." over a year we've been together and countless 'I love yous' yet I still get butterflies like its the first time. He makes me so happy and he doesn't even have to try, we have 4 days together, four days to spend snuggled up watching films and eating crap our own little early Christmas since we don't get to actually spend Christmas together with me being with my family in Perth and Hero with his in London. We spend the rest of the night just catching up and cuddling before we finally fall asleep wrapped in each others arms and are legs intwined together. I wake up to the sun shining through my blinds, as I reach for Hero he's nowhere to be found.

"Hero?" I shout still nothing until the door swings open and he walks in the room in just his boxers and a tray full of breakfast and a single red rose.

"Good morning sleepy head, I made us breakfast." I smile over to him still sleepy, "thank you."

Hero's pov -
The next few days go by stupidly fast and before we know it we only have one more night together. I hate that I have to leave tomorrow I wish she could come home with me for Christmas my family would love it I know I definitely would but obviously she needs to be with her family. I just cant wait for the day this will all get easier and we don't have to sneak around anymore. We spend over an hour on facetime to my mum and sister well I say we I'm pushed out whilst they talk girl shit and I watch the footie highlights it makes me so happy seeing how she is with my family they all adore her and she does them too. Once we finally get rid of them she spends the next 30 minutes roasting me over how shit my phone is and how its covered in cracks I end up tackling her to the couch kissing her to shut her up which obviously we end up naked. The next morning comes to fast and I hate having to say goodbye to her.

"I love you so so much babe, I'll call you as soon as I land back home on my shit phone," I say trying to make her laugh.

"I love you Hero, have a safe flight I'm gonna miss you so much," she says hugging me so tight. Before I get on my flight I send her a quick message.

*Hero 💙 - Look in your nightstand babe, I miss you already, I love you beautiful♥️*

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