Hero do you think maybe it's time to make our relationship public? 💖

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It's a Saturday night and I'm sat in my flat feeling sorry for myself with a fucking bottle of rum for company, the guys have tried to get me to go out but I just can't at least not until I find a way to fix all this shit. This has been the longest fucking month of my entire life I've tried everything to get her to talk to me from repeatedly ringing and messaging her to even getting in touch with Anna, Kath and some of her friends but nothing back, I flew to LA last week in hopes that if I just turned up she would have no choice but to talk but of course she didn't fucking answer then Anna told me she flew back to Perth for a few weeks. I've never had a relationship before it just wasn't for me, I never felt the need to put a label on anything I mean I had a few one nighters but that's about it and then Jo crashed into my life like a fucking wrecking ball turning everything upside down. As soon as I googled Jo when they told me who would be playing Tessa I knew I was a goner seeing the photos that came up on the screen. I've never been nervous around girls but when I met her for the first time as she stood there make up free looking even more beautiful in person I was a stuttering mess it was embarrassing. Throughout filming we became really close I followed her around like a lost fucking puppy I couldn't get my shit together the way she consumed me so quick really got on my nerves I couldn't shake the feelings I was having and it was driving me insane that I couldn't have her.

One Tuesday night after filming we ate Tacos and drank tequila just like every other Tuesday since we started filming it became a ritual except this one ended with everyone heading out early and just me and Jo left and of course being a drunk prick I humiliated myself by telling her exactly how I felt she thought I was just drunk looking for a hook up and ran out but days later she agreed to sit down and talk and I told her I meant every word so we agreed to see how things went and a little over a year later we are still happy with each other, I've never been happier than I am when I'm with her, she's my first relationship and the first person I ever told I loved, everything has been so great between us the past year up until last month. Lately things have been getting a lot harder for us especially with the distance and there has been a lot of fake shit posted which of course has caused problems.

I'm constantly pestering Jo lately to just pack up and move here to London I even said we would look for another place that was ours so she would feel more at home I'm going on about it daily. Last month she was here in London for my sisters 18th she went out of her way to re arrange interviews she had so she could be there with us to celebrate; the relationship she has with my family especially my sister is amazing. During Mercy's birthday get together everyone chimed in trying to persuade Jo to agree to move here and as the night went on, I think it could have actually worked. We had such an amazing night together with my family I had no idea of the shit storm that was about to happen.


"Oh my god my feet are so sore," she says flopping down onto the couch, I sit next to her lifting her legs onto my lap taking off her boots.

"Thank you so much for making such an effort to be here tonight for Mercy's birthday I love how close you are with my family," I say rubbing her feet as she smiles at me.

"I'm glad I managed to rearrange my commitments I love being here with you and seeing the family," she says grabbing my hand and kissing it, we sit in silence for a few minutes until she speaks again.

"Hero do you think maybe it's time to make our relationship public? Just think how good it will feel to not have to hide and watch every single thing we do," she says taking me by complete surprise.

"Do you not think it's too soon? I thought we were just going to enjoy the privacy for now?" I say looking at her.

"We've been together over a year Hero and are serious about each other, we have had a year of privacy but think about being able to walk outside holding hands and not worrying about being caught," she says moving her legs from me kneeling up.

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