Strictly professional 🎥

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Throughout the filming for After and After we collided Hero and I had a friends with benefits arrangement going on whenever we were filming we would hook up with no strings attached just the two of us letting off steam and having some fun. It was great at first just something new and exhilarating sneaking around dragging each other into cupboards or anywhere closed off teasing each other trying not to be caught but knowing it was a possibility which of course made it more of a turn on. We both knew the deal we would only hook up during filming or promo tours since we would be together for weeks at a time and we were happy with that arrangement. As soon as we finished filming and the tour for the movie was over it wouldn't bother me when we went our separate ways and all the pictures and videos with girls he was with would pop up I was doing the same after all I was just more discreet about it.

The minute we got back in Atlanta to start filming for after we collided he was in my room and had me pinned against the wall devouring me before he even opened his own hotel door. I don't know how it happened but things shifted for me this time around and I wasn't seeing it as friends a with benefits situation anymore I was seeing him as more than that which confused and scared the fuck out of me. I kept my mouth shut though even if it did hurt when he would jump up straight after sleeping with me and go back his room but why wouldn't he it's what he's done any other time. I guess it would look a bit weird if I suddenly wanted to cuddle after sex knowing the arrangement we've had in place for the past year. However a week before filming ended I decided to test the waters and ask if he wanted to stay and watch a film after we hooked up and to my surprise he did we ended up falling asleep in each other's arms it was perfect well so I thought until I woke up and seen he was gone of course. The rest of the week was the same we would hook up and then fall asleep watching a film and him sneaking off before I woke up. As happy I was that we were still doing this I was getting more pissed at him for sneaking out and the last night I snapped.

"Why do you always sneak out before I wake up whenever we end up falling asleep?" I can't help but ask as I'm lying on his chest.

"W-what...where did that come from? I don't sneak off I simply wake up then head back to my room it's no big deal it's not as if this is anything more than just sex right..."

ouch well that hurt.

"I know that's what we agreed but I can't keep pretending anymore.... I think it is more well for me it is anyway." I say finally admitting how I feel.

"Are you serious Jo? We agreed that if any of us started to feel more we would say something and stop this!!" he says gently moving me from his chest and getting off the bed.

"It's not as if I meant to start liking you Hero it just happened I don't get the big deal surely a small part of you must like me too or you wouldn't be sleeping with me at any given chance!" I shout losing my tempter.

"Of course I fucking like you but this wouldn't work Jo we live thousands of miles from each other and you know well I've never had a relationship before I can't give you what you want..." he says running his hand through his hair.

"But you're more than happy to get into my pants whenever we are around each other." I scoff.

"Ay don't..." he says pointing at me. "We both came up with that arrangement in fact I'm pretty fucking sure you're the one who brought it up to begin with so don't start with that shit Jo." He angrily shouts putting on his jogger pants.

"So what now you just run off back to your room and pretend this isn't happening?" I shout.

"This was a mistake Jo we should never have started this shit we still have two more fucking films to shoot... I like you I do but it wouldn't work between us and we both know that. I think we need to take a step back we both go back home tomorrow hopefully by time we start filming for the third film we can put this behind us." He says scratching the back of his neck.

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