Six Years💙 (3)

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I'm so glad I don't have to film today I am exhausted with having little to no sleep at all last night because of some British asshole who after six years decided he could just message me and act as if nothing really happened. I jump in the shower and get dressed so I can go down to meet everyone at breakfast hopefully they'll all look as rough as I do right now since I honestly can't bring myself to even attempt to make an effort in my appearance so my Nike hoody and leggings will do. Just as the elevator doors are shutting I hear someone shouting to hold it so I quickly put my foot in the way to prevent them from closing but instantly wish I hadn't when the person walks into the small elevator with me.

"Oh my god Jo what the fuck man." Morgan shouts wrapping his arms around me.

"Hi Morgan," I shyly smile.

"I haven't seen you in year's this is mad." Six years since your asshole friend broke my heart.

"Yeah it's been a while... how come you're here, in these apartments I mean?" I ask.

"It's my birthday you know what mans like for wanting to go all out we are all headed back home now I just forgot my charger so had to run back." He says dangling it in front of my face.

"Aww that's nice," Why won't this lift hurry the hell up six more floors.

"Do you still speak to H he's in the lobby waiting with the boys you know," just great.

"No we don't speak I seen him last night at the cocktail bar as I was leaving." Two floors come on hurry up.

"Ahh that makes sense why he was necking back the drinks we had to carry the asshole back last night well this morning," he laughs.

Finally the elevator dings and the doors open but then I'm greeted by not only Hero but his entire group of friends, fan fucking tastic.

"Look who I just ran into," Morgan shouts wrapping his arm around my shoulder making it impossible for me to run and hide.

Hero's eyes go wide as I stand there unable to speak everyone comes up hugging me asking how I am and I honestly just want the ground to swallow me up at this moment in time. I can't tell if it's the hangover or the situation but I can feel the bile rising in my throat and I really don't want to throw up in front of this lot I need to get away from here-

"Finally there you are...over here got you a coffee love," Tom shouts waving his hand beckoning me over saving me from having to deal with this shit for the second time.

"It was nice seeing you guys but I need to go," I smile moving around them to join Tom at the table.


I wake up with my mouth as dry as sandpaper regretting the amount of drinks I consumed last night but seeing her brought everything back reminding me how much of a dickhead I am for throwing away the best thing to happen to me. I can't really remember getting back to the apartment or even getting into bed all I can remember is feeling like shit when she turned me down to meet up and fuck knows the next time I'll see her again. We are all running around because we need to be checked out in ten minutes and slept in, the place is a shithole and I instantly feel bad for the person who is going to be cleaning this place. As soon as we make it down and start checking out Morgz being the forgetful bastard he is realises he's left his charger so now we are stuck waiting once again for his slow ass to hurry up. I haven't been this hung over in years and I'm fucking dreading the car ride back home, just as I'm stood thinking about what greasy food I can shove down my throat to soak up this hangover and hopefully not think about her the lift dings and out walks Morgz.

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