Hero_ft wants to send you a message 🤪😘(5)

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This is all moving so fast it was only last night that we decided to make a go of a relationship I thought we would have had more time to enjoy this in private. We don't even know whether this will work or not I want it to of course I do. The past month has been amazing but I'm not naïve I know how hard it will be to navigate a relationship in these circumstances. I'm stood mute like an absolute idiot as Mia and Mel look through the articles and Hero paces back and forth muttering how ridiculous it is that he can't even have just one day to himself, he looks so stressed and I instantly feel bad knowing he must be worrying whether this will change my mind.

"We knew it would happen at some point we said it before leaving the condo... this changes nothing." I shock the three in front of me and myself.

"Jo I think you really need to think about this, this is nothing it will get worse than this babe the minute they get a chance they will be posting your picture and name online." He says, why is he trying to push me away...

"Hero I knew all of this when we started to talk just as friends I'm not stupid I know what will happen and it doesn't change how I feel... I won't let anyone ruin this for us." I smile walking over to him.

"Are you sure?" he asks, without answering I just nod. "Shall we go for that bath now then." He whispers in my ear before gently nibbling my lobe sending shivers down my spine and dragging me off.


The next couple of days went way too fast for my liking Hero reluctantly left to start filming and a couple of days after that we were on a plane back to Perth. It's absolutely maddening that it's took a little over a month for me to be completely and utterly consumed by him I've never felt this way about anyone before I've definitely never shed tears over missing a boy yet I've cried at least four times since we parted. After getting those couple of days with him the calls, facetiming and messaging just didn't seem enough anymore I wanted him with me I craved his touch... fuck my life what has this man done to me. Back when me and the girls started planning our three trips I was actually sort of dreading going to London knowing that Mia would have us up the wall with her excitement of being in the same place as all her celebrity crushes but now I'm counting down the days. After the massive effort the girls put in for my birthday I knew I had to do something just as amazing if not more so with Hero's help he convinced Alex to come along to her birthday meal which didn't take much convincing though apparently he thought she was 'peng' whatever the fuck that is.

The distance is really hard especially now it's so horrible knowing we are so far from each other, in a perfect world we would be in each other's arms. I do love how open and honest he is with me about how he feels it's nice knowing I'm not the only one finding this so difficult he misses me just as much which is comforting. He's been filming for the past month and I've been crazy busy with school then staying up to be able to facetime him when he gets off work which usually results in me falling asleep on him minutes later.


The last couple of days I had with Jo were fucking amazing we didn't do much we mainly stayed cooped up in her room in bed enjoying every inch of each other before we had to go our separate ways again. She really has no idea how much she has turned my life upside down, all in the best way of course I've never felt so fucking happy she's beautiful, smart, loving and not to mention fucking sexy that girl can make me hard within in seconds she doesn't even have to do anything and my little friend stands to attention ready for her. I've never been one to be in touch with my emotions and shit like that but the minute I drove away from their condo I found myself crying, fucking crying who the fuck cries over leaving their girl that they just met... oh yeah me that's who but in all honestly I couldn't give a fuck she has me completely whipped. I knew the distance would be hard but I had no idea how hard its torture having her so far away from me especially when I've had a taste of what it's like to be with her, to touch her and kiss her.

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