never have I ever fanaticised about sleeping with my co-star (2)🥵

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Last night was amazing it was better than I could have ever imagined and I've imagined it happening a fucking lot. During filming for the first film me and Jo got really close nothing ever happened between us but I'd be lying if I said I never wanted it to. I knew what I was doing when I asked if she wanted to play that game I'm not stupid I know she wanted it to the sexual tension between us is electric and the intimate scenes for this movie are not helping either of us. Since the first time seeing a picture of Jo when I googled her I've imagined getting her into my bed and last night she made all my fantasy's come alive she's fucking insatiable but of course she snuck out on me before I woke up. I don't know what the fuck is going to happen now I've never had a relationship and if I'm being perfectly honest I don't want one anytime soon it's just not for me especially in the job I'm in but now I've felt what it's like to be with her that way I need more.

As soon as I get to the studio I know we need to talk so when I spot her talking with Anna before walking towards the room we'll be rehearsing in I grab her arm and pull her into the closet.

"So you sleep with me then sneak out without a word hmm Jo?" I say not taking my hand from her elbow.

"What the hell Hero you can't just grab me and drag me into a closet you weirdo," She hisses pulling her arm away.

"What's that about why run off?" I ask moving closer, her breathing has already changed and all I want to do it take her right here.

"Look I know it was just a drunken one night thing we don't need to talk about it Hero let's just forget it happened and get on with the film." Panic that's all I feel right now I don't want to fucking forget it I want to keep doing it.

"I don't want to forget it happened in fact," slightly pushing her back I shamelessly rub myself against her, "I thought we could make it a regular thing and before I forget you left these in my room," her face goes beetroot red as I dangle her sexy black lace thong in front of her face.

Of course she doesn't answer me so I keep going.

"Why don't we have some fun during filming? No strings attached no feelings just pure pleasure," I ask as start to kiss her neck.


The past three weeks have been amazing we are two weeks into filming and the rest of the cast are here it's been great seeing everyone again and meeting Charlie, Candice and Dylan. Jo and I have continued sneaking around we both understand that nothing will come from this it's just strictly pleasure nothing more as soon as we leave and go back home it stops. My friends have been giving me none stop shit about it telling me how stupid I'm being and that it will all blow up in my face they know me and Jo are good friends and keep saying that we are going to ruin it. Nothing has really changed between us we still hang out after and between takes and spend time watching films like we did during the first film the only difference is this time we always end up fucking and missing the film.

Tonight I'm at a club with Dylan Sprouse and Sam I couldn't do this during the first film since I hadn't turned 21 yet which was annoying as fuck but I'm making up for it this time around. We are all dancing when a bunch of girls come over they are hot as hell but honestly I don't think I can even go there right now it would definitely cause shit with Jo and honestly I haven't been able to stop thinking about that shower scene we filmed this morning all fucking day wanting to do it for real. It's about 1am when we all leave the club and we are all definitely fucked I'm seeing three Sam's right now this isn't good considering we have to be on set by 9am. Instead of going to my own room like I should in the state I'm in I knock on Jo's door after a few minutes of me knocking she finally answers looking all cute in her silk short set.

Cute? What the fuck Hero.

"What are you doing here this late Hero?" she groans walking back over to the bed.

"I thought we could re do that shower scene from this morning only this time we will actually be naked," I grab her arm whispering in her ear before biting her earlobe.

"You're drunk," she says pushing me back.

"So that doesn't change the fact that I want you it's all I've thought about all night." I say trying to pull her back to me.

"Hero stop! You can stay here but we are not having sex." She says slapping my hand away.

"If we aren't having sex why would I stay here?" the words fall from my lips before I can register what I'm saying.

Wow what a dick.

"Excuse me?" she snaps, she's pissed the fuck off and I don't blame her I should apologise but instead my fucked up brain chooses to do the opposite.

"Sex Jo that's all this nothing more we agreed... do you think I'm going to get in bed and cuddle and fall asleep or some shit not happening." Wow why can't I shut the fuck up.

"Wow," she laughs, "Thank you for the wakeup call and showing me what a piece of fucking shit you really are this thing between us," she says waving her hand between us, "Is done find someone else to fulfil your needs you asshole now get the ruck out my room." She shouts pushing me to the door.

"Jo I'm s-"

"DON'T" just leave." She snaps shutting the door in my face, what the fuck have I just done.


Two days Jo has ignored me, two days since I fucked up and was a complete dick to her I should have listened to the boys and stayed well away this is a fucking mess. I've tried to talk to her and apologise but she won't give me the time of day only speaking when we film, rightfully so I was out of order in what I did and at this point I don't even care that I've lost the benefit side to our friendship I just miss her she is one of my closest friends and if I've lost her because of my stupidity I'll never forgive myself. We are all stood in the lobby waiting to head out for dinner when I notice Jo move around me.

"No fucking way," she squeals before running over to the doors and it takes me a second to see she's running to some guy stood there with a bunch of flowers, the fuck?

The wind is completely knocked out of me when she dives into his arms wrapping her legs around him and he spins her around, she never mentioned having a boyfriend is Jo the type of person to sleep around knowing she has someone? I ask Sam if he has any idea who he is but everyone seems as clueless as me. She walks over introducing the prick as "Kevin" then tells Anna that she's going to skip on dinner because they have a lot of catching up to do before walking off to the elevator to go to her room. One mistake, one fucking mistake I made and within two days she has another guy here is this some kind of fucking joke? I don't even understand why I'm so fucking irritated by this I'm the one who made a point of saying no strings attached and no feelings so why am I stood here digging my nails into my palm wanting to run up there and drag him away from her.

Dinner absolutely fucking drags and I'm sure everyone notices my bad mood but nobody attempts to talk about it which I'm grateful for. My head is a complete mess when we first started this I was so convinced it would all be okay but not only is our friendship possibly ruined I'm now confused about the way I'm feeling about seeing her with someone else. I need to get back to the hotel and call my boys and get some advice them assholes know me better than anyone they'll know the right shit to say to me right now.

*Thought I would do Hero's pov... Definitely be one more to this story possibly even two I'll see what happens... Vote and comment let me know what you think 🙏💙*

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