To think you spent the first week hating me😉😍

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Living in Australia has to be one of the most amazing things ever, the weather is perfect all the time, the animals are unreal, the boys well the boys are something else. It's my seventeenth birthday next weekend and I couldn't be more excited, my parents agreed to let me have a pool party which is already the talk of the school. I'm sat in my room looking online for a new bikini to wear when my mom barges in letting me know we are having dinner with Margaret our neighbour, she's an old English lady who lives  alone all her family are back in England so my mom always likes to have her over for dinner or us go over there so she doesn't feel lonely Jo. She really is a lovely lady and usually I love having dinner but I just really want to find the perfect bikini and outfit for my party, wow how egotistic do I sound right now?

My mom has made brownies, she does this every week for Margaret they are her favourite she says having warm brownies and ice cream reminds her of her grandkids. As soon as we walk in she comes straight over giving me and mom a big hug, asking where Kat is but as usual she has bailed but that doesn't seem to affect her good mood.

"So I made pasta alfedo tonight I hope that's okay?" she says in her sweet little voice.

"Yeah of course I love that, do you need any help?" I ask stroking her arm.

"Well actually my little grandson is here, he arrived this morning and is catching up on some sleep would you be a love and go up and let him know dinner will be ready in ten minutes Josie? His room is second to the left after the bathroom you know the way, " she smiles before turning back to the stove. I've never actually met Margarets grandkids from the pictures around they look cute I'm great with kids.

"Sure thing won't be long,"

I knock on the door three times with no answer, so I decide to just walk in.

"Hey little ma-" fuck, he's not little at all and wow is he hot, oh my god, "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I say turning around and covering my eyes as he quickly gets his joggers on.

"You could knock you know," he snarkly says, is he joking.

"I did knock actually but you didn't answer," I rpwlt folding my arms.

"Well I just got out the shower I didn't hear you, who are you anyway?" he asks, wow he's rude.

"Jo, I live next door we have dinner with your gran every week to keep her company, she wanted me to let you know dinner will be ready in ten minutes," I say.

"Jo isn't that like a dudes name?" he asks smirking, wow I'm going to kick him right in the balls if he carries on with his attitude.

"No! My name is Josephine but I prefer to be called Jo," I say flatly.

"Josephine, well nice to meet you I'm Hero I guess I'll see you downstairs." he smugly says smiling shutting the door in my face, I hate him already.

I go down and let mom and Margaret know hell be down any minute which obviously turns into us all waiting for the rude brit at the table for another twenty minutes until he finally emerges.

"Sorry nan Mercy called, Hi I'm Hero," he says shaking my mom's hand who can't stop smiling, "Lovely to meet you Hero, Elizabeth but call me Liz I've heard so much about you, your nan is over the moon to have you here." mom says still shaking the assholes hand.

"I'm happy to be here I wish Mercy could have come but either way I can't wait to see what the summer has in store for me." he smiles sitting down next to Margaret, so he has a girlfriend then, how could anyone put up with him.

The dinner goes by so slowly and I'm literally itching in my seat to get far away from this boy as possible I can't beleive he's going to be here for 3 freaking months and what makes it worse is my mom and Margaret inviting him to my birthday party and asking me to 'take him under my wing' I mean who even says that? Argh this is going to be the worst three months ever.

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