Never have I ever fantasised about having sex with my co-star...🥵

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Filming After was a blast I loved every minute of it especially getting to know everyone, Hero, Shane and I quickly grew close but I secretly wanted more with Hero. I decided early on I would never act on my feelings though so Hero will never know how I feel about him especially now that we are back filming for the second movie. I can't wait to get back to it and see everyone again and meet all the new cast especially Candice and Dylan but me and Hero have two weeks rehearsal together before everyone else arrives since there is a lot more steamy scenes this time around. Since the first film me and Anna have grown close and when I decided to move to LA I even found an apartment not too far from her house so we both flew out to Atlanta early together whereas Hero doesn't get in until tomorrow which gives me plenty of time for me to chill the hell out.


The past few days have been stressful rehearsing for the intimate scenes, of course we have smashed them straight away that's not the stressful part it's the fact that every time I am having to 'fake it' with Hero I can't stop wanting it to be real and it's messing me up. It also doesn't help that it's only the two of us here right now so of course we spend a lot of time together and Hero being the natural flirt he is isn't helping my situation so I've found myself on the phone to my best friend Kevin every night complaining about how shit it all is wishing he was here to distract me from my self-loathing. There is a knock on my door when I finish up on the phone to Kev who had way to much fun laughing at my ass for telling him that I had to run out the minute rehearsal was done for getting to into the scene and almost saying 'Hero' and not 'Hardin' I still think Anna and Hero noticed but at least they didn't call me on it.

"You're coming with me." The man who I can't seem to stop thinking about says grabbing my shoulders

"What where?" I ask in confusion.

"You seem stressed as fuck I'm going to change that," he smirks making my heart beat faster then waving a bottle of rum in my face ruining the little fantasy of what I wanted him to mean going on in my head.

"If you have the bottle already where are we going?" I ask shaking the dirty thoughts that were going on away.

"You'll see," he winks, fuck why does he have to do that shit does he have any idea how hot that he is.

Not in the mood to change I just put my sneakers on not giving a shit that I'm in short shorts and a crop top of course he looks me up and down with a raised brow smirking before what I assume unintentionally biting his lip.

You could make this a bit fucking easier for me Hero!

"Heroooo," I groan as I trip over a step since the asshole has my eyes covered.

"Alright calm down you can look now," I can feel his breath fanning against my face, fuck.

"Why the fuck are we on the bloody roof?" I say laughing as he grabs my hand leading me over to an outdoor couch and pushing me down.

"Thought we could drink with a view." He smirks taking two plastic cups from his hoodie pocket.

"You could have warned me about coming up here it's freezing." I groan.

"Here," he takes his hoody off throwing at me and I'm overwhelmed by his ferragamo aftershave.

It doesn't take long for him to have me in stitches it's funny really he's doing this because he thinks I seem stressed yet little does he know he's the reason why, him and his sexy fucking body making me want to jump his bones at any given time.

Snap out of it Josephine.

We spend the next couple of hours drinking, bantering back and forth and talking about seeing everyone again when filming starts next week at least then I know I can distract myself from my inner thoughts about him. It doesn't take long for the rum to take it's effect on me, how him and his friends drink this all the time is beyond me it is disgusting and I don't refrain from telling him this every five minutes.

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