Dr Langford👩‍⚕️

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Hero -
My life is pretty good my mum is a successful director and my dad is a successful cinematographer they are both amazing at their jobs and with the help of my uncle Ralph who plays Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter I managed to land the role of Tom Riddle the young version of Voldemort in my younger days. I haven't decided if I want to pursue acting yet I model now and again which pays the bills and I've been in a few shows over the years but at the moment I'm just enjoying my life, I've got a great group of mates and a decent little flat I share with my best mate Felix so I have no complaints the only thing I don't have is a girl but we got time. It's Friday which means it's five a side with the lads tonight then off to the pub to get shit faced.

MBOYZ Group Chat🚀

Morgz - Yo wankers meet at the cages at 6 yeah... H and Felix will pick you assholes up🤙🏿

Jack - Yes bruv see you iab✌️

Valand - We vloggin yeah?🤟🏽

Morgz - Yes my guy👌🏿

Felix - Ill meet you all at cages got shit to do first👍

Hero- Safe brooo see you in a few🤙

When we get to the cages, we waste no time in getting into it within the first ten minutes we have already scored three goals whereas the other team haven't scored. Just before half time I get tackled which ends up in me flying forward and falling flat on my face which isn't bad but then the lad who tackled me trips and tries to stop his fall resulting in him fucking trampling on my leg with his big ass footie boots I didn't think it was that bad until Morgz starts shouting his fog horn mouth, "Fuck FT I think your legs broke man," I try to get up but the pain is fucking unreal they all crowd around me whilst I'm on the floor like a fucking tit crying in pain.

"Can you get up bro?" Felix stupidly asks.

"Does it look like I can fucking get up you dickhead," I shout in pain.

"Alright you fucking girl I was just asking let me see what it looks like," he says lifting my joggers up then he quickly backs away gagging and out of nowhere starts throwing up.

"What the fuck?" I say as they all stare at me looking green.

"Your going to need a fucking ambulance I think bro your leg is completely mangled," Jack says.

"Well fucking ring one then you bunch of pricks," I scream out in pain.

Once the ambulance comes the paramedics give me some Entonox for the pain before they take me off to the hospital with Felix who decides to tag along and I'm pretty sure that's only because of the paramedic Lucy I think her name was. Once we finally get to the hospital after a painful ambulance ride and not just because of my leg but the shameless flirting Felix was doing with the paramedic I am whisked off into a room to wait until I can be seen.

"Fucking hell how fucking long is this going to take not as if I'm in pain or anything," I shout after about an hour of waiting.

"Chill out man it was fucking heaving out there when we got here," Felix says, just as I'm about to flip out on him the door opens.

"About fucking time," I shout then look up to see a beautiful blonde in front of me.

"I do apologise if you've had to wait a while we have been slammed tonight and do have to deal with high priority first," she says in what I think is an ausie accent and is trying her best to smile but I can tell by her face she would love to curse me out right now.

"Sorry he's in a lot of pain he doesn't mean to be a dick," Felix says since I can't seem to find my fucking voice.

"Don't worry we get a lot of them in here," she smiles at Felix as she checks my notes, did she just basically call me a dick? Wow.

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