It was meant to be part Two💖🌍

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Jo’s been with mum and Mercy all day planning for the engagement party the fact she’s happy to let my family be really involved in all of this just makes me adore her more. I’ve been playing footie with the boys all afternoon so I’m a sweaty mess by time me and Felix get back to my mums.

“Hey babe,” I say putting my arm around her kissing her.

“Eww you stink get off me,” she says scrunching her nose in disgust.

“You love it,” I say squashing her face into my sweat stained T-shirt.

“Herooo,” she screams and pouts making me laugh. Jo, mum and Mercy are all sat at the kitchen table drinking wine and looking through all the family albums.

“What you all doing here?” Felix asks them.

“We’ve been going through all the old family photo’s mum and Liz think it will be cute to have pictures of them as kids and then now.” Mercy says and as she’s explaining a photo catches my eye and I grab it.

“Oh my god I forgot all about this babe I’m actually already married.... shit. ” I laugh handing Felix the photo of the girl I met on holiday and was utterly in love with when I was a kid.

“Oh my god Josie jump fuck you were obsessed with this girl until we went to secondary school even though you only knew her for what a week... ” he says laughing but I smack his head trying to stop him embarrassing me further. I'm stood staring at the photo I can’t believe I actually forgot about that holiday and the girl we even had a fake wedding with sweet rings, mum breaks me out of my thoughts.

“Well funny story we found Josie jump,” Mercy says laughing.

What the fuck? Why is she saying this now in front of my fiancé.

“No shit when and where?” Felix asks.

“She’s sitting right here.” Jo says with a big ass smirk on her face.

“I’m confused,” Felix says sitting down grabbing Mercy’s glass and taking a drink.

"Of course you are dipshit Josephine is Josie the girl in the picture….” Mercy says smacking the back of his head and grabbing her drink back.

Jo is Josie the same Josie from holiday that I spent the next however many years obsessing over how is this even possible? How did I not realise this... nah they are gassing me they have to be…

“Your Josie my Josie?” I say looking at Jo, “How is this possible why Josie you flipped out when Sam called you Josie on set I’m so fucking confused right now. ” I say sitting at the table grabbing Jo’s drink and finishing it.

“Well we were there for Kaths birthday and she met some friends so I was left on my own I was sat at the pool feeling sorry for myself when you came over asking if I wanted to play, you told me your name was Hero and I thought you were bullshitting me so I told you my name was Josie it was the first thing I thought of after watching some weird show Balamory that morning.” she says laughing what the fucking fuck.

“Hold the fuck up so not only are we technically already married you were my first kiss?” I ask her as she smiles.

“First and last I hope babe. ” she smiles tilting my chin and kissing me.

“This is some cringe ass rom com shit this. ” Felix says taking another sip from Mercy’s glass again until she slaps him harder making him spit it all over himself making us all laugh.

I can’t believe all of this I honestly cant I met Jo almost twenty years ago falling hard for her as much as a six year old could and even spent the next six or so obsessed with the memory of her to later in life end up starring in a film franchise with her and falling for her again and proposing for real.

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