Kirby arc (Part 3): Save Pyra from Malos!! (Feat. Nia)

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The kid was still looking down, feeling depressed as it felt like everything was too late for him to move forward on saving Rias. But most importantly, he lost Pyra due to Malos

Jin talks to Asia about what happened on how Riser possessed them and forced them to take orders from him

Just then, another kind ally comes up to them as she had cat-like ears

Just then, another kind ally comes up to them as she had cat-like ears

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(Credit to Nintendo)

"Is everything ok?"

Lora looked at Nia and was surprised. "Nia! What are you doing here?!"

Nia laughs. "Same thing as how you guys ended up! It's great to see you all again!" She then notices the boy as she walks over to him and kneels. "What's wrong, Ben?" She knew his name after overhearing it before she arrived where the team was

The kid couldn't look up at Nia as he was still depressed. "P-Pyra...She was...she...MALOS KIDNAPED HER!!!" He continued to shed tears as he felt guilty

Nia felt the poor kid's words affect her and felt sorry for the boy "Ben...It's not your fault for losing Pyra...I want you to know that it's important to get back on your feet and don't stop until the mission is accomplished."

The kid looks up at Nia as he calms down and feels much better. "T-Thank you, Nia."

Banjo-Kazooie smiles to see Ben back, ready to fight for Pyra and save her. "Alright! Let's go, everyone!"


-one montage later-

The kid makes it to where Malos is as he is holding Pyra hostage. "Alright, Malos! Show yourself!!"

Malos shows up in front of the boy, not caring what he is facing against the boy. "Bring it, you stupid kid!! I won't let Riser down, and I'll truly show what I can do to defeat such a pathetic kid like you!! You're nothing!!! Rias would have no interest in marrying such a stupid kid like you!! And Pyra, she's nothing to you!! I don't even see her as a caring big sister to you, pathetic kid!!"

What the kid heard from Malos made him stronger "Oh really?" The rest of the team appeared behind him, feeling more determined than ever. "From what I learned about you, Malos, YOU'RE THE END OF EVERYTHING!!!!"

-the battle begins-

*insert badass music to fit the battle*

(Music credits to Slipknot)

The kid regains his breath after fighting against Malos with the rest of the team

Malos tries to regain life, not ready to accept defeat. "I can't stop..."

"You can stop...Right, NOW!!!!" The kid punches Malos hard in the face defeating him once and for all. After that, he runs over to where Pyra is. "Pyra!! Pyra!!!...ONEE-SAN!!!!!! Where are you?!"

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