Fairy Tail Arc: The fallen angel who killed a kind ally

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The kid was in the field on the comet observatory with Zelda & Kiba, looking at the beautiful stars from above.

Kiba looked at the stars with Ben and Zelda as he couldn't help but see how beautiful the stars were. "Wow. The stars out here are amazing to look at."

Zelda smiles as she looks over at Kiba. "You can say that again, Kiba. What do you think, Ben?" She noticed the kid didn't respond and looked like he was daydreaming. "...Ben? Are you alright?"

"Huh?" The kid woke up from daydreaming as he looked over at Zelda "O-Oh. Yeah...Sorry about that, Zelda. I was thinking of something I noticed when I went to worlds I had never been to...The skies in some of the worlds seemed dark..."

Kiba tilts his head, confused. "What do you mean by that?" It then hit him on what Ben was talking about when he and the others first met Ben in the Rwby world. "Oh yeah. Now I remember...What do you think caused it?"

The kid thinks for a moment and looks at Kiba. "I don't know, maybe-" Before the kid could say anything else, he was tapped on the shoulder by Amy as he looked up at her

Amy looks down at the kid and smiles softly. "The portal to the next world is open, Ben."

"Oh! Ok, Amy. Thanks for the heads up." The kid stands back up and looks at Kiba and Zelda. "Would you two like to come over to the next world?"

Zelda smiles cheerfully and nods. "Of course, Ben! Kiba & I would love to!!"

Kiba stands up smiling, too. "Count me in, Ben!! I'm ready for an adventure!!"

The kid smiles cheerfully. "Great!! Let's go!!" He runs over to the portal with Kiba & Zelda, jumps into it, and starts heading to the next world

-intro theme-

(Music credit to Dagames)

The kid lands on the ground with Zelda and Kiba. Just as the boy said back at the observatory with Kiba and Zelda, the sky was dark.

Zelda looked at the sky to see darkness even though the sun was out. "Wow. You're right, Ben. The sky sure is dark..."

"Hey!!" Just then, Natsu and the group head over to Ben and the rest of the team. "You must be Ben, right?"

The kid looked up at Natsu and was surprised. "Yeah. And You're Natsu, along with the others from Fairy Tail, right?"

 And You're Natsu, along with the others from Fairy Tail, right?"

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